New Java Launcher for Minecraft

10:00, 03.07.2019
New Java Launcher for Minecraft

Everyone felt a wave of anxiety as they heard the approaching footsteps of the launch team. However, there’s no need to worry—these individuals always arrive with positive updates. A new Launcher has been released for the Java version of Minecraft on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. This marks the first significant step by the team towards creating a unified platform for all Minecraft players!

The fresh new look was designed with player needs in mind—a revamped and user-friendly interface along with a responsive design will make accessing the game (or wherever you wish to go!) easier than ever. Most importantly, the Launcher features a new foundational logic that supports bigger and better developments for future Minecraft Bedrock.New Java Launcher for Minecraft New Java Launcher for Minecraft New Java Launcher for Minecraft A lot of hard work has gone into this release, celebrated with a party. Ahead lies more work and technical challenges for the team. The new Launcher aims to resolve numerous issues, making the gameplay experience for Minecraft Bedrock smoother and more intuitive:

  • Enhanced accessibility features for users with disabilities on Windows and Mac
  • Ability to switch between profiles in the Launcher
  • Patch notes added for new releases
  • Revamped News tab
  • New language system introduced
  • Reduced size of the Launcher update download
  • Installations (previously known as Configurations) can now be played directly from the Installations tab.

To upgrade to the latest version of the Launcher, simply restart your current version, and it will automatically update to the newest one. Yes, even I managed to do this despite shocking myself three times while making toast! You’ll definitely be able to do it!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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