Peaceful place

06:00, 15.06.2018
Peaceful place
Experience tranquility at the Potala Palace

A vast and lengthy mountain range surrounds the city of Lhasa, captivating anyone who gazes upon it for an extended period! Nestled among these peaks is an ancient edifice that undoubtedly deserves your attention!

Reaching this site isn’t a walk in the park. You’ll need to pause frequently to catch your breath, as the staircases are quite extensive. Instead of relishing the stunning vistas, I find myself gasping like a 90-year-old man after ascending to 3700 meters above sea level. I desperately seek inner peace up there! Otherwise, I might just collapse.
Peaceful place
Fortunately, the Potala Palace in Tibet embodies true serenity. Once the residence of the Dalai Lama, it boasts over 375 years of history. The elegant design and distinctive architecture make it an ideal inspiration for a new project in Minecraft Pocket Edition. Jockes, a 16-year-old builder in Minecraft PE, shares this sentiment.

Unlike me, he isn’t on a quest for tranquility; instead, he aims to create within Minecraft PE. The stars aligned perfectly for him to showcase his creativity.

“As soon as I saw the first images of the building, I immediately knew which blocks to use to achieve the perfect color combination,” the creator reveals.
Peaceful place
The current builder is not particularly drawn to Zen philosophy; rather, he chose the palace solely for its aesthetic appeal. “The reason I decided to undertake this project was my admiration for the building’s shape and the abundance of windows, which are easy to construct but challenging to arrange without making them look repetitive.”

Indeed, the unique form of the palace creates remarkable features that cannot be found elsewhere. The author’s personal style also played a significant role in this endeavor.
Peaceful place
Peaceful place
Peaceful place
This author is also known for crafting projects in a sci-fi style. However, I couldn’t include screenshots here due to copyright restrictions.

Thus, this palace represents a slight deviation from his usual path. He enjoys bringing his projects closer to reality, making the palace an excellent choice in this regard.

“At the time I was constructing the building, recreating various real-world objects was incredibly popular. They are straightforward to create in a realistic genre and render conveniently.”
Peaceful place
The project faced some challenges due to the limited palette in Minecraft PE. Nevertheless, our author found solutions and managed to capture all the best elements.

Bravo! A fantastic creation by a talented artist!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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