Fisher King

10:00, 02.07.2018
Fisher King

The Hook Drop, Line, and Weight for the NewHeaven Construction!

Once upon a time, we decided to create something extraordinary. We had numerous ideas, but ultimately, we needed to evaluate them and settle on just one. Reflecting on the size of the construction, we concluded that not all large-scale projects are remarkable. There are massive constructions, such as entire cities being recreated or new worlds being built. These are quite impressive and represent only a fraction of what can be created in Minecraft Pocket Edition.

When it comes to such constructions, they can indeed be monumental. Take, for instance, an ordinary day for Bob, who is part of the NewHeaven team; he creates magnificent structures. The project we’re discussing today is crafted with great attention to detail. Upon viewing it, one can’t help but be amazed. Now, we will look at MCPE through a completely different lens. This unique creation has unveiled a new direction for the team. It marks a significant breakthrough for NewHeaven.

“An ordinary day for Bob could stretch into a whole year,” explains Speedrus, the manager of the NewHeaven team. “But no, we don’t need a year for this build! This project closely resembles another major undertaking we’ve done before! The idea was to construct a traditional building, yet it had to be unconventional. After some thought, we decided to center our design around a specific character.”

The NewHeaven team succeeded in transforming a typical traditional structure into something extraordinary. Bob, sitting on the dock fishing, awaits a bite, making the construction more expressive. This block-based character model turned out to be very intriguing, rivaling the models of villagers and Steve from Minecraft Pocket Edition! Initially, Bob felt frustrated due to the absence of a face on the structure. Where’s the face? However, after some contemplation, Bob realized that this design could become much more interesting.

Fisher King

Fisher King

Fisher King

Bob recognized that if the construction were less grand, certain challenges would arise. “In MCPE, we encountered many difficulties while constructing our builds,” explains Speedrun. “That’s why we opted to focus on larger constructions. After conducting various experiments, the team’s consensus was unanimous, as we explored this project extensively!”

NewHeaven began its journey in 2012, driven by “our passion for our creations.” At that moment, we simply loved doing it. “Our current goal is to harness the artistic potential of Minecraft to reach educational and other cultural domains.” In fact, a significant aspect of Minecraft’s appeal for NewHeaven lies in its ability to connect with a different audience through art. “The Minecraft audience is predominantly young, with most players being children. Today, it’s challenging to engage kids with art. We believe that presenting art through Minecraft draws them towards art in other fields.”

Fisher King

Fisher King

Why does NewHeaven want their constructions to impress a younger audience? “It’s crucial because when you want to learn something, the best time to do so is when you’re young. The same applies to art. Most people won’t be interested in it as they grow older; some might, and they’ll start creating art themselves.” Encouraging young artists for tomorrow? NewHeaven must tread carefully to avoid losing touch with their work in MCPE.

“We believe education is the most important attribute for children, but the art that engages youth doesn’t resonate with us much,” explains Speedrus. “We simply enjoy what we do and what we create. That’s all there is to it!”
Fisher King

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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