Time to Party!

19:45, 02.09.2018
Time to Party!

29th September marks the celebration of Minecon Earth. We guarantee a fantastic event with superb sound arrangements and screens set up all around the venue. The show will take place in various corners of the globe, significantly broadening your access and making it easier for you to join us. Additionally, you can watch the event via live stream from the comfort of your home, shops, museums, etc.

Last year, over 100 locations across four different continents were transformed into Minecon Earth parties. The outcome was remarkable, and this year we anticipate even more exciting results. In other words, your chances of attending our event are increasing, where you’ll discover plenty of interesting things and possibly make new friends.
Time to Party!
Time to Party!
Time to Party!
Time to Party!
However, wherever you may be while watching Minecon Earth, we would prefer that you don’t tune in from a public restroom. So find a cozy spot, gather some friends, and everything will be great! If you don’t have plans for a gathering with your buddies, we welcome everyone to our official party!

The Minecon Earth event is not just an excellent opportunity for entertainment but also a chance to meet fellow players and learn from experienced creators. Depending on your location, expect sales, costume contests, so dress up in your finest blocks. There will also be a brief interview session with developers. Plus, there will be an exclusive Minecraft shop where you can purchase a variety of souvenirs.

For our amazing party, we’ve invited numerous celebrities. Here’s a look at the guest list:

MoPOP (Seattle, Washington)

  • Afmu
  • BBPaws
  • BlackieChanXBL
  • Carnage the Creator
  • TrueTriz

Minefaire (Phoenixville, Pennsylvania)

  • Daphne Elaine
  • MarieltaiGaming
  • SallyGreenGamer
  • ThePinkDiamondDiva
  • Ice Kold

Minevention (Cork, Ireland)

  • GrianMC
  • FalseSymmerty
  • Tycerx

Minecraft Festival in Stockholm – MINECON Celebration (Stockholm, Sweden)

  • Ufosxm
  • KimmyPower
  • Jnx
  • Figgehn
  • SoftisFSS

Time to Party!
Time to Party!
Time to Party!
Time to Party!
With such incredible guests as these talented individuals listed, we’re transported into an unforgettable atmosphere for the night. It’s dedicated to the game Minecraft Pocket Edition, building, and crafting (obviously), but alongside that, we share fun and celebrate together. Alongside all these perks, there will be 81 Microsoft stores throughout the USA, Canada, and Puerto Rico, providing delightful treats for Minecraft visitors.

If you can’t make it to one of our venues, we’ll be streaming Minecon Earth online. You can catch us on Mixer, YouTube, Facebook Live, and Twitch. So grab your favorite drinks and snacks and join us.

If you prefer to receive all news and streams from Minecon Earth in languages like French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, and even Russian, we have good news! Eight Minecraft Bedrock creators will be streaming and commenting on the entire event in those languages. Stay tuned for the upcoming list of authors to be revealed on the Minecraft Youtube channel!

For detailed information about event locations and how to purchase tickets, please visit the official Minecon Earth page.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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