Potions Training

06:00, 23.05.2018
Potions Training
Tips from our enchanting and potion mentor!

Recently, the developers announced the release of a new book for Minecraft PE: Minecraft: Guide to Enchantments & Potions. This book is packed with numerous tips, tricks, and techniques related to supernatural mixtures and otherworldly powers. It’s an incredibly detailed and beautifully designed guide for all users of Minecraft Pocket Edition. You definitely need to check it out!

Explosive Potions

It’s unlikely that you’ll manage to trick your enemies into drinking harmful potions themselves, leading to their demise. Therefore, you’ll need explosive potions that can be thrown at any foe. It’s a clever and effective strategy!
Potions Training

How to Brew and Use Potions?

It’s quite simple: just combine the brewed potion with gunpowder, and it will explode upon being thrown. Another effective method involves mixing regular water in a bottle with gunpowder. When this potion explodes, it will unleash devastating flames!
Potions Training
The brewed potion can be hurled at enemies. Naturally, for balance purposes, explosive potions have a significantly shorter duration than regular ones. It’s crucial to aim for the opponent’s head when throwing—this way, the potion’s effect lasts longer, giving you an advantage in battle.

Upon hitting an enemy or area, the potion will explode. The effects will apply within an 8.25 x 8.25 x 4.25 block radius from the explosion. Once the potion bottle shatters, it cannot be recovered, so you’ll need to craft another one.

When Should You Use Potions?

Potions Training
All hostile zombies, from regular zombies to Wither skeletons, will take significant damage from healing potions.

Water splash bottles deal only minor damage to blazes and endermen but will still ignite flames in a four-block radius around the blast site.

Using a weakness potion along with a golden apple can always cure a zombie-turned villager. Just throw the potion at them and feed them the apple.

Dispensers can also “shoot” potions. This can be a fantastic solution against hordes of enemies, as dispensers can launch multiple potions simultaneously.

You can already purchase the book for your learning in Minecraft PE!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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