Rabbits Will Be Added in Minecraft PE 0.13!

10:58, 15.10.2015
Rabbits Will Be Added in Minecraft PE 0.13!

A few days ago, Thomas announced on his Twitter account that Minecraft PE 0.13.0 will introduce rabbits, although they will differ slightly from the PC version. The main distinction is that the rabbits in the PE version will be somewhat smaller compared to those in the PC version.

Rabbits will spawn exclusively in forest biomes and can be taken down with just a single arrow. Rabbits will flee from players, making it a true hunting experience!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 0.13 ОS: Android

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  • Круто! Наконец-то Minecraft РЕ начал быть похож как на компе! Разработчикам можно только пожелать удачи, с добавление всяких разных штучек, как на РС =)