Minecraft Beta Version

22:08, 21.11.2018
Minecraft Beta Version

Have you had the chance to try out the beta version of Minecraft yet? This version is designed for testing purposes and to identify any bugs within the game. You can only play the beta on Windows 10, Xbox One, and Android, as these are the only platforms that support it. For instructions on how to register for the beta, click here. Additionally, you can find more detailed information on our feedback website.

In this beta version, a significant number of new items have been introduced. Therefore, we decided to update this article. The features have expanded to include: Pillagers, Bamboo, various new flower types, and an extensive array of new stairs and slabs. You can also view platform-specific registration instructions here. If you’re looking for even more details about this specific beta version, you can find them here, on our feedback site.

Please be cautious and remember that beta features may not be stable. The purpose of such versions is for players to analyze and report any errors or shortcomings in the updates while playing. So, if you notice anything unusual, please let us know, and we’ll make sure to address it.
And don’t forget to back up all your worlds!

Details on Experimental Gameplay

These features are available only when Experimental Gameplay is enabled in world settings.

  • Pillagers
  • Bamboo now generates in jungle biomes
  • Crossbow weapon with new enchantments (Multishot, Piercing, and Quick Charge)

New Features

  • New flowers added: Lily of the Valley and Cornflower
  • Added Spruce, Birch, and Dark Oak trees
  • New variants of stairs, slabs, and walls:
  • Stone stairs and slabs
  • Granite stairs, slabs, and walls
  • Polished Granite stairs and slabs
  • Diorite stairs, slabs, and walls
  • Polished Diorite stairs and slabs
  • Andesite stairs, slabs, and walls
  • Polished Andesite stairs and slabs
  • Sandstone walls
  • Smooth Red Sandstone stairs and slabs
  • Smooth Quartz stairs and slabs
  • Brick walls
  • Stone Brick walls
  • Mossy Cobblestone stairs, slabs, and walls
  • Hollow Brick walls
  • End Stone Brick stairs, slabs, and walls
  • Prismarine walls
  • Red Sandstone walls
  • Red Brick stairs, slabs, and walls
  • Flat Sandstone stairs and slabs
  • Mossy Cobblestone stairs and slabs

Cats and Pandas

Minecraft Beta Version
Minecraft Beta Version
Minecraft Beta Version
I find myself at a loss for words to describe these creatures; they are simply amazing. I’m not sure my eyes can handle such cuteness without my hands wanting to squeeze these fluffy beings.

Are you ready to muster the strength and patience to play alongside these adorable new mobs? I dislike registration—who really enjoys it? Nevertheless, after enduring the lengthy process to join the beta, create your new world and ensure that you toggle the Use Experimental Gameplay option in your settings:
Minecraft Beta Version
Minecraft Beta Version
This option activates the beta features for you!

Your pandas are hungry, and you want to feed them? Try using bamboo; they love it.

Particle Effects and Animation Additions

Not familiar with add-ons? They are a fantastic way to expand possibilities across all settings in Minecraft Bedrock. Learn more about this addition here!

In previous versions, add-ons had limited capabilities, primarily altering existing mobs in the game, but with New Entities, you can introduce your own mobs. We almost forgot to mention that you can use Data Driven Spawning to choose which mobs will appear in your world and which won’t. Animation allows you to get creative, enabling you to design a terrifying octopus monster you might have dreamed of. Most likely, those monsters will haunt my nightmares now. Particles will enhance the visual appeal of your custom mobs.

These features are currently exclusive to the beta version, but we’ve also taken care of you by adding a couple of extensions that you’ll definitely appreciate since they’re easy to download and set up automatically. These extensions provide rare access to some special mobs we tested and showcased at Minecon Earth 2018. Am I the only one who thinks they’re just as affectionate and fluffy as cats and pandas? I’d love to cuddle them! Well, okay, maybe I’m alone in that thought.
Minecraft Beta Version
But listen, aren’t we all beautiful in our own ways? I think you would agree with me.

One important point is to ensure that you are subscribed to the beta version. You can’t go wrong, as everything is clearly indicated. The word “beta” will be highlighted in large yellow text under the title in the main menu. Above, in smaller text, you’ll see which beta version you are subscribed to. Make sure it states version Use this link if you need further assistance!
Minecraft Beta Version
Next, you need to run these two files:
New Entity Behavior Models from Minecon 2018;
Resources for New Samples from Minecon 2018.
These are .McWorld files, meaning you can simply open them, and they will launch Minecraft Pocket Edition on your device, importing them automatically. Then you should see this screen:
Minecraft Beta Version
Minecraft Beta Version
Image [1/2] You should see “Level import started” at the top of the screen, followed by…
Image [2/2] Level import finished successfully. Great!

Then you need to download these two files:
Beta Resource Pack Files (1.8.0-beta 1);
Beta Behavior Pack Files (1.8.0-beta 1).
These are .zip files. Once downloaded, rename the files. You’ll need to change the file format from .zip to .McWorld.

Once you’ve done that, open the file, and it should automatically import into Minecraft.
Minecraft Beta Version
Minecraft Beta Version
Minecraft Beta Version
Minecraft Beta Version
[1/4]. After clicking one of the links above, you will see this box. Click “OK”.
[2/4]. Following the download, you will receive a .zip folder ready for renaming! It’s strange that I always have a sense of humor, yet I couldn’t find a funnier desktop background? But I’m too busy creating guides for you, that’s why.
[3/4]. Change the file format from .zip to .McWorld. Almost instantly, a warning screen will pop up asking if you’re sure you want to make changes. Does anyone else find it silly to ask such questions? Of course, we’re sure. Click OK and move on.
[4/4]. Assuming you see .McWorld, if you did everything correctly. Next, there should be file changes that, as they say, “speak for themselves,” transforming from a dull beige folder into a beautiful Minecraft Bedrock block! Double-click it to import it into the beta version of the game.

Did it work? Awesome! If you’re curious, nothing stops you from learning much more about add-ons and finding some professional tutorials on making your own modifications. This

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.9 ОS: Android

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