Witches Coming to Minecraft PE 0.14!

19:13, 27.11.2015
Witches Coming to Minecraft PE 0.14!

Here are the initial updates regarding the upcoming Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.14 release. A few days ago, Jason Major (likely a new developer for Minecraft Pocket Edition, who recently joined the Mojang team as there was no prior information about him) shared two intriguing screenshots on his Twitter account. The first screenshot features spawn eggs for mobs, animals, aquatic creatures, and even Witches! This is not a joke; with version Minecraft PE 0.14, witches will be introduced into the game, and they will attack you.

Witches are hostile mobs that will attack you, but Witches are the most powerful entities found in Minecraft PE. Witches appear in Minecraft PE 0.14!

About Witches:

Witches spawn on solid blocks with a light level of 7 or lower, as well as in witch huts located in swamps. A witch resembles a pale villager with a wart on her nose and wears different attire. She is dressed in purple and green clothing and sports a tall black hat adorned with a green buckle.

В Minecraft PE 0.14 появляться Ведьмы!

Against you, the witches will employ explosive potions of poisoning (0:30), weakness (1:00), instant damage, and slowness. The sequence for using these potions is as follows: first, the slowness potion, followed by the poison potion, after which the witch throws instant damage potions at the opponent and has a 25% chance to use the weakness potion. However, if the effect of the poison potion wears off, she will throw another one before returning to the damage potions.

The hut itself is constructed from spruce planks. The roof is also made of spruce planks, with spruce stairs along the edges. The corners are crafted from oak wood. There is a porch made of spruce planks with railing made from fencing. Inside, there is a crafting table and an empty cauldron. Two windows are present: one near the entrance and the other directly opposite it—one measuring 1 block with fencing and the other 2 blocks in size. A pot containing a red mushroom sits on one of the windowsills.

В Minecraft PE 0.14 появляться Ведьмы!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 0.14 ОS: Android

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