More possibilities!

10:00, 12.01.2019
More possibilities!

Funny fact: The year 2019 is the last teenage year we can enjoy in this century. We will have to wait another 94 years to experience those “teenage” years again. So, here’s my advice: savor these wonderful moments while you still can! Hmm, or maybe we should just wait until 2113? For instance, take a little nap and rest until then. What are your thoughts?

While waiting through these long years, I suggest you pass some time by trying something new in your Minecraft builds! We added a ton of new blocks, items, and mobs in 2018, and we want each of you to use them to bring your creative ideas to life! Also, please share your work with us. Send screenshots of your builds to [email protected]. Perhaps your creation will be featured on our website! Go for it; anyone can do it with just a bit of effort and imagination!

(And if you ignore all suggestions in this article and create your own amazing thing in Minecraft Bedrock, we still want to see it. Please send it to [email protected]!)

Bamboo Gardens

More possibilities!
We love the gardens you build here in Minecraft. You’re sitting there, sipping tea, and you’ve made it to this line. But suddenly, with a crash, you slam down your creeper mug, choke on your tea, focus on the first sentence of this paragraph, and shout that it’s a lie! Maybe your phone or computer shook a bit, and if someone was reading this article to you, I truly feel sorry for them. However, to back up my claim, I’ll leave this link to a story about stunning garden creations made by players of Minecraft Pocket Edition. And please, try to keep yourself composed.

I know what will calm you down: gardening! Bamboo, which was introduced in Minecraft in 2018, will soothe you with its long, beautiful green “fingers.” This new item isn’t just food for pandas (you wouldn’t believe how many pandas chased me while writing this article). It also makes a lovely addition to flowers, foods, and other plant delicacies that will help transform your garden into a picturesque slice of homegrown paradise!

Warning! Be advised that bamboo grows very quickly!
More possibilities!
I wanted to add some decoration to the structure I built for New Year, but while taking a screenshot for this site, the bamboo noticeably grew. Wow, I’m amazed!

Available on: Xbox One, Windows 10 Edition, iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch. If you want to try bamboo in Minecraft Java, check out the latest Java Snapshot.


Scaffolding blocks allow you to squeeze through! A brilliant idea that makes creating ambitious builds in survival mode a bit easier than it was at the start of 2018 (though building in survival mode remains a stressful nightmare, as it should be).

Scaffolding helps you reach the tops of your constructions with ease. Just keep stacking them as you go! It’s also handy for preventing damage from falls since you can gently lower your fragile body to the ground by descending through scaffolding blocks instead of simply jumping off a cliff and hoping to land on particularly soft foliage (which, by the way, has never worked). Plus, you can create various things using scaffolding!
More possibilities!
I used scaffolding to create this massive statue of lead developer Minecraft Bedrock, Jens Bergensten. I think it looks fantastic. It’s just odd why he no longer reads my articles?

Be cautious: if you break the bottom block holding up an entire tower of scaffolding, all the blocks above will collapse too. Nevertheless, it’s a convenient way to quickly dispose of numerous scaffolding blocks or swiftly end friendships with anyone standing atop all that scaffolding. So, if you’re merely using stacks as helpers in your build, they’ll be easy to remove later, making them a block Marie Kondo would be proud of.

Available on: Xbox One, Windows 10 Edition, iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch. If you want to experience scaffolding in Minecraft Java, check out the latest Java Snapshot.

Panda Palace

Have you welcomed the new mobs in Minecraft Bedrock? Rolled out the bamboo carpet? Said “welcome” to the panda? Well, don’t bother doing any of those things because 1) they might not be possible, 2) they’re definitely silly, and 3) you need to build them a great new home!
More possibilities!
Oops, I forgot to dismantle the scaffolding tower I built to make constructing the panda’s head easier. Forgive me, Marie Kondo!

The main reason articles haven’t been coming out for so long is that I’ve been busy building a palace for pandas. I wanted all my furry friends to live there. And how big does a house need to be to accommodate all these amazing creatures? Of course, it needs to be gigantic! But don’t dwell on that too much; I didn’t end up making it that large.

But I learned that the collective noun for a group of pandas is an embarrassment of pandas. This fun fact is so genius that I’m not going to stop mentioning it for at least the next 94 years. An embarrassment of pandas, who would have thought?!
More possibilities!
Here are a few more amazing animal nouns: a prickle of hedgehogs, a bloat of hippos, a mischief of mice, a flamboyance of flamingos. If George R.R. Martin doesn’t use at least one of these as a title for his next book in “A Game of Thrones,” I will never speak to him again.

We want you to build your own panda enclosure this year that feels “cozy like a hug”! You can use the new scaffolding blocks. Or you could construct walls out of bamboo and then scratch your head wondering how they manage to escape every single time. Or you could keep them in a giant pig made of pink wool blocks and open a misleading zoo.

If you attempt to build your own panda palace, let us know about it!
More possibilities!
More possibilities!
More possibilities!
More possibilities!
More possibilities!
More possibilities!
More possibilities!
Currently, you can build a panda palace in any version of the game, but pandas themselves are only available on Xbox One, Windows 10 Edition, iOS, Android, and Nintendo Switch. If you want to see pandas in Minecraft Java, check out the latest Java Snapshot.

Water Block Update

Wait, didn’t the Aquatic Update happen around four billion years ago? It was either then or last July, but we still want to see more builds utilizing the newly added blocks. Coral blocks! Kelp! Dried seaweed! Please create something amazing with dried seaweed so we can finally discard that screenshot of my kelp house and never speak of it again.
More possibilities!
Fun Fact #1: It smells much worse than it seems. Fun Fact #2: Most of my “fun facts” aren’t interesting at all! In fact, they can’t even be called facts…

Players of Minecraft Pocket Edition often utilize the ocean to create stunning builds! Just last week, we showcased this charming underwater palace. You undoubtedly love crafting boats almost as much as we love watching them. Additionally, I still don’t understand why people continue calling it the “Lost City of Atlantis” when it was discovered in

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