Inventory: Netherite Ingot

10:00, 21.06.2020
Inventory: Netherite Ingot

Ensure your gear is ready: diamond armor, an enchanted diamond sword, elytra, and a full stack of golden apples. With this complete set, you’ll be able to defeat monsters that even average players fear to think about. There will be nothing left for you to upgrade in your character within Minecraft Bedrock.

Will it stay? In Minecraft 1.16 (the Nether update), a plethora of new items will enhance the gameplay experience. One such item has become our feature of the week — the netherite ingot.Inventory: Netherite Ingot “We decided to introduce the netherite ingot for two main reasons,” shared lead creative director Jens Bergensten after I constructed a grand temple for him in exchange for an interview.

“We have concluded that the Minecraft 1.16 update should introduce an item that serves as a reward for extended stays in the Nether. This also presents a fantastic opportunity to incorporate an entirely new material. Overall, these two aspects influenced the creation of the netherite ingot.”

Netherite ingots can be discovered in chests located within bastion remnants. Additionally, you have the option to craft them by combining netherite scraps with gold ingots. Four units of each material yield one netherite ingot.Inventory: Netherite Ingot  Jens mentioned that the developers aimed to make netherite stronger than diamond while still keeping diamonds relevant. “It turned out to be easier said than done when it came to implementing this concept in the game.”

«Ultimately, we arrived at the concept that netherite could serve as a material for upgrading existing gear rather than merely being an independent resource used to craft new tools and armor. Consequently, we were able to introduce a valuable new material while maintaining the worth of diamonds.»

Netherite items such as helmets, chestplates, leggings, boots, swords, pickaxes, axes, shovels, and hoes are significantly more durable, deal greater damage, and last longer compared to their diamond counterparts. For instance, a diamond sword can inflict a total of 11,000 damage points before breaking, whereas a netherite sword can exceed 16,000. It can also be enchanted just like other items.Inventory: Netherite Ingot To upgrade diamond items to netherite level, you will need a smithing table. Place the item you wish to enhance in the left slot and a netherite ingot in the right one. Durability, enchantments, and other attributes will remain intact. You can also use netherite ingots to repair damaged netherite items and to create magnetite, which we will discuss further in the coming weeks.

Another remarkable trait of netherite that you will likely appreciate is its fire resistance. If you toss a netherite ingot into flames or lava, it will remain intact, patiently waiting for you to dive in and retrieve it.


Bid farewell to the furious cries over losing all your items after falling into lava, as netherite armor will protect you from all fiery hazards! The only challenge left is figuring out how to recover this armor if it happens to fall into the lava…


Say goodbye to the angry shouts about losing all your belongings due to a plunge into lava, because netherite armor will shield you from any scorching dangers! Now, the question remains on how to get back that armor if it ends up in the lava…

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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