Let’s look at the screenshots

10:00, 08.02.2019
Let's look at the screenshots

You are engaged in an incredibly exciting project called Minecraft, dedicating all your time and effort to it. Finally, the last block is placed perfectly. You save your build, take one more tour around the map, and realize that you have created a true masterpiece, a work of art. At this moment, you feel no regret for the time and nerves spent. But now, imagine if no one else gets to see the fruits of your labor—how disappointing would that be? To prevent such a scenario, we’ve prepared a brief guide that will teach you how to capture screenshots—not just any ordinary ones, but interesting and impressive shots taken from the right angles.


Press F2 to take a screenshot. Then, search for programs and files on your computer by typing “%appdata%”, open the folder that appears, and find “.minecraft” where your screenshots are stored.


Open the Windows game bar by holding down the Windows key and G simultaneously, then select the camera icon to take a screenshot. Alternatively, hold the Windows key, Alt, and Prtscn together to capture a screenshot instantly.


By pressing Shift, Cmd, and 4 at the same time, you can take a full-screen screenshot. These will automatically be saved to your desktop for easy access.


Double-tap the Xbox button on your controller. Now you can press Y to take a screenshot or X to record a clip. Afterward, visit Xbox.com, log into your Xbox Live account, and go to the “Captures” section on your profile page where all your screenshots will be saved.
Let's look at the screenshots
A helpful tip: remember that in creative mode of Minecraft, you can fly. To capture the entire map, simply ascend to the desired height and take your screenshot.


You can hold the “Share” button on your controller to take a screenshot. Alternatively, press the “Share” button to open a new menu with options where you can find information on taking screenshots, recording videos, and sharing your captures.

Nintendo Switch

Do you see that cute little button on the left Joy-Con? The one with the camera icon? Press it to take a screenshot. That’s all there is to it!


Simultaneously press the lock button and the “Home” button to capture a screenshot. The images can be found in “Photos” – “Albums” – “Camera Roll”.


For Android phones running version 4.0 and above, simply press the volume down button and the power button at the same time. Older models may vary, so it’s best to look up your specific model online to learn how to take a screenshot on your device.
Let's look at the screenshots
Try capturing images from various angles. For instance, a standard photo of chickens might seem dull and unexciting. However, if you elevate your position and photograph them from above, it becomes something amusing and intriguing. Just look at their faces; I believe these are the finest chickens in Minecraft Pocket Edition that I’ve ever seen!

Kindle Fire HD

To take a screenshot on the Fire HD, press the power button and the volume down button simultaneously. Note that this only works for Kindle Fire HD versions and later.

PS Vita

Press the PS button and the START button at the same time. You’ll find your screenshots in the “Photos” folder.

Xbox 360 and Playstation 3

This is where things get tricky! Neither the Playstation 3 nor the Xbox 360 has built-in screenshot functions that support Minecraft Bedrock. However, if you invest in some video capture technology, you’ll be able to take screenshots. While this isn’t the cheapest solution, keep an eye out in stores, and soon enough, you’ll be able to capture screens from those older console versions.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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