Terraforming in Minecraft PE

06:00, 13.04.2018
Terraforming in Minecraft PE
Consu will unveil the secrets of transforming the world!

Have you ever dug up a vast field? Have you found yourself sealing a hole in a cave wall to stop an incessant flow of water that obstructed your path? Or perhaps you simply demolished that massive mountain blocking the construction of your dream home? If you’ve attempted any of these, congratulations! You’ve experienced a tiny fraction of the art of landscape design!

Terraforming, or land shaping, is the intentional alteration of the earth’s surface or environment to meet specific goals or tasks. In Minecraft PE, this aspect receives significant attention. Essentially, it’s one of the key activities involved in project organization. Many of us in Minecraft PE focus on building our own structures or exploring, while others engage with the world at an entirely different level—they actively shape the environment by generating forests, mountains, and expansive landscapes. The most delightful part is that anyone can try their hand at terraforming! Even beavers occasionally partake in this activity; their dams can swiftly obliterate colossal ecosystems! Fortunately, there are none in Minecraft PE… for now?
Terraforming in Minecraft PE
In Minecraft PE, there are experts in terraforming—Consu is a true prodigy with a keen eye for detail. She specializes in creating extensive landscapes of all shapes and sizes—from small tropical islands to vast forest expanses.
It’s no surprise she chose to pursue landscaping; throughout her life, Consu has witnessed numerous natural wonders.

“I was born in Chile and spent my childhood under the shadows of the Andes peaks, then we moved to the USA for six years. Now I live in Madrid, just an hour away from beautiful, towering mountains,” says Consu.

Unlike typical builders in Minecraft PE, a landscape designer spends much of their time outside of Minecraft Pocket Edition, utilizing external programs to create terrain. This indirect method allows you to cover larger areas without placing blocks one at a time; instead, you can plan vast spaces. There’s no need for blueprints—this art relies on imagination, drawing inspiration from within or, like Consu, using real photographs of natural formations.
Terraforming in Minecraft PE
On every journey, I carry many digital storage devices for photos since I have to save numerous images. My personal collection includes various locations, such as Patagonia and Atacama in Chile, Italy, and Sierra de Guadarrama. However, most projects adhere to a specific style and model.

Consu’s deep appreciation for nature has allowed her to create stunning works. For instance, the maps Chik-Took and Star’s End represent two large continents, distinguished by a unique selection of components for the models.

“All my creations occupy designated spots on my desktop, changing and beautifying my screen regardless of what I’m working on,” Consu explains. “This technique creates a personalized atmosphere for comfortable work.”
Terraforming in Minecraft PE
She wasn’t initially a fan of the gaming industry. Consu discovered Minecraft PE after the 1.5 update. While playing on various servers, she stumbled upon the StarQuest server—a home to several worlds, each captivating her.

“I was amazed by human capabilities and firmly decided to try something of my own. Upon learning that the maps were based on the WorldPainter engine, I joined the Minecraft PE design community with a creation made using this program.”

WorldMachine is one of the most user-friendly tools for landscape creation. It enables builders to form massive territories through a simple algorithmic system. You connect building blocks at nodes to create large grids, simulating any terrain and erosion. Although it may sound technical and dull, the software genuinely aids in developing world-building skills.
Terraforming in Minecraft PE
Consu regularly shares updates on her progress and completed projects on her Twitter account.

“The joy of working with WorldMachine comes from manipulating organic patterns of the land as if endowed with divine powers!” Consu states. “Adding, subtracting, separating, connecting—just a few clicks allow you to create hills in rural areas or mountains in Utah. Sometimes it feels like solving a puzzle—you repeatedly dissect the terrain into components that later come together to form something special.”

Of course, it’s easier said than done. WorldMachine is quite complex and can intimidate any beginner. Personally, as someone who barely graduated school with decent grades, the program seems like a nightmare.

On the other hand, for seasoned terraformers, WorldMachine is relatively straightforward. It functions as an interactive map generator, allowing more focus on the artistic side and enabling users to literally draw or “sculpt” the terrain. It’s also very convenient to import other WorldMachine works, making experience sharing easy—a crucial aspect for Consu’s projects.
Terraforming in Minecraft PE
“Everything in the world has its pattern and unique line,” Consu continues. “You can easily verify this by observing the curve of any cliff. However, I believe it’s incorrect to label myself a ‘realistic terraformer’ because the essence of my work transcends realism—it’s an attempt to create a unique outline for every detail.”

Consu believes that the concept of realism in Minecraft PE is unattainable due to the limited height of the sky. “255 blocks is the height limit we must contend with and adapt to. We employ exaggeration techniques and illusion creation,” Consu emphasizes. “For example, trees cannot be so tall and positioned far from mountains. Subtle gradients are necessary to enhance vertical space. Sometimes certain features become indistinct, requiring contrast to highlight particular elements.”
Terraforming in Minecraft PE
However, don’t think that limitations make the process less engaging; devising solutions to such challenges is immensely satisfying. Consu has experimented with a wide range of her projects, including frequent commissions that come her way.

“I find that the western deserts in America are particularly suitable for terraforming due to their unique structure. My current project, extending well beyond Minecraft PE, is a blend of various landscapes, including Monument Valley and Bryce Canyon. Working on the barren lands of Iceland and Norway is also incredibly enjoyable,” asserts Consu.

Terraforming demands high computational power and meticulous attention to detail. Despite this, trying out landscape design is definitely worthwhile. And if you ask Consu, for her, terraforming is an art form capable of achieving remarkable heights.
Terraforming in Minecraft PE
“Once, my art professor told me that terraforming is like a carousel because it easily touches upon all industries. Indeed, the creative community of Minecraft PE values landscape design for its ability to encompass all realms of digital art.”

So what are you waiting for? Hurry up and start transforming the world!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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