Eternal Fountain Gardens

10:00, 13.01.2018
Eternal Fountain Gardens

The ocean is filled with mysteries, wonders, and creatures that everyone would love to encounter. However, it also harbors more mystical enigmas; for instance, have you ever pondered where all the water in the oceans comes from?

I have too, but hold on, I want to reflect on this. All this water! How did it end up here? Of course, one could turn to science to explain how these oceans formed billions of years ago. Or! You can dive into the eternal fountain Mig in Minecraft Pocket Edition and discover everything for yourself.
Eternal Fountain Gardens

“While constructing,” says Mig, “I contemplated this tale about humanity discovering an endlessly flowing fountain atop a mountain, producing the water found in every ocean, lake, and river. Thus, humanity venerates the fountain, carving it into the mountains to create gardens with the fountain at the peak.”

The magical fountain, which serves as the source of all the world’s waters, resembles a myth from an ancient mythology book. But, as Mig states, reality is always more fascinating than fiction.
Eternal Fountain Gardens

“I’ve always had a passion for ancient architecture,” he shares. “Especially structures that manage any flow of water, like the canals of Venice or the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. I once saw a depiction of those hanging gardens and attempted to build something inspired by that idea in Minecraft PE. It didn’t go well.”

However, Mig didn’t view this as a mere failure. He regarded it as a learning opportunity for construction in MCPE.
Eternal Fountain Gardens

“Yet, being recognized by the Minecraft community, I know I’ve evidently done something right,” Mig remarks. “And through this experience, I’ve learned what should and shouldn’t be included in future builds in MCPE. For example, avoid breaking any laws of physics if you’re aiming for realism. Additionally, there shouldn’t be purely rectangular and symmetrical constructions; strive for variety.”

Mig set out to create one garden that didn’t work, but instead, he ended up building another, even more appealing one. And all because he didn’t give up and kept trying again.
Eternal Fountain Gardens

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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