Important information for Minecraft: Pocket Edition users

14:08, 15.12.2021
Important information for Minecraft: Pocket Edition users

In order to ensure that the majority of the gaming community can access modern, high-quality resources, support for certain older devices and platforms where the game is currently available will be discontinued. As of October 2020, Minecraft will no longer receive updates or maintain many features on Gear VR, Windows 10 Mobile, devices running an OS with less than 768 MB of RAM, iOS 10 and earlier versions, as well as on devices equipped with graphics cards supporting DirectX 10.1 or lower.

Consequently, users of Gear VR and Windows 10 Mobile will no longer be able to participate in multiplayer mode or use the Realms platform from devices that do not meet the new requirements.

For players using devices with Android and 768 MB of RAM or less, as well as those on iOS 10 and earlier who have a subscription to Realms, access to their realm will remain available until they upgrade it on another device. The multiplayer feature will only function on devices running the same version.

If you are playing on one of the specified devices, support for Minecraft will not end even after October 2020. You can continue building in your world, and your purchases from the Marketplace will still be accessible. If you logged in with a Microsoft or Xbox Live account, all your purchases, including MineCoins and your Realms subscription, will be retained when logging in from other platforms. To transfer old worlds to a new device, you need to upload them to Realms and then download the backup onto the new device. Additionally, you can follow instructions to directly transfer world files.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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