We build from painted glass

10:00, 09.03.2020
We build from painted glass

Glass is a fantastic and practical material in Minecraft. However, there’s an even more useful and intriguing variant—colored glass! Simply take some dye of any hue and transform all your clear glass into vibrant shades! You’ll create a whole spectrum of new blocks that will brighten up and enliven any build!

Lacking inspiration? Look around, and you’ll notice numerous stained glass windows presented in various forms and even artworks. Stained glass often adorns cathedrals and other religious buildings, with countless artists dedicated to this craft. They produce stunning images on glass using paints, and while historically they primarily decorated windows, the range has significantly expanded, allowing you to find stained glass in the most unexpected places. A simple example is an airport located in Florida, USA. In the past, particularly during the Victorian era, stained glass was used to embellish everything within reach, from windows to lamps.We build from painted glass This is the Tiffany Daffodil lamp, crafted between 1900 and 1910.

You may have encountered stained glass in community builds within Minecraft before. It’s also likely that you’ve experimented with this material yourself. However, just to be thorough, we’ve compiled a few more creative examples to showcase the versatility and richness of stained glass.We build from painted glass This stained glass fountain was constructed during a recent fountain building competition in Minecraft Bedrock, which had a time limit.We build from painted glass The lime and dark green glass represent a toxic potion simmering in a witch’s cauldron.We build from painted glass Stained glass fills the interior of the spherical section of an impressive skyscraper.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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