Too Many Items Release Now Available for Download!

21:43, 29.09.2015
Too Many Items Release Now Available for Download!

MrARM has completed his work on a new add-on that he was developing for the latest version of Minecraft Pocket Edition. This new add-on serves as an updated version of his previous creation, Too Many Items. At one point, MrARM conducted a poll on his Twitter account asking followers: “What should I name the new add-on?” There were numerous suggestions, but MrARM did not provide any updates regarding this matter.

– It was already known that the developer intended to change the name, specifically to give a completely new title to his upcoming add-on for Minecraft Pocket Edition, yet up until today, there had been no information about what the new version’s name would be.

– However, everything was resolved this evening when MrARM released his highly anticipated add-on – Toolbox!

You can download Toolbox here!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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eleven − 4 =

  • Многие не знают что больше не будет обновлений tmi – и что теперь есть toolbox! 🙂

  • Очень крутая вещь советую всем скачать!!!