StacyPlays helps protect the oceans!

06:00, 10.05.2018
StacyPlays helps protect the oceans!
StacyPlays is involved in the Coral Crafters initiative

Is it a wolf? Perhaps a fish? No, it’s something much more peculiar – meet the Merpup – a half-wolf, half-fish creature that looks absolutely fantastic.

The cobblestone house is crafted by StacyPlays. She and her team have put in tremendous effort to develop a project within Minecraft PE, which plays a significant role in the creation of Coral Crafters – a new venture aimed at aiding the world’s oceans!
StacyPlays helps protect the oceans!
StacyPlays helps protect the oceans!
So, what exactly is Coral Crafters? With the Aquatic update, our development team is filling the oceans of Minecraft PE with lush kelp forests, various sunken ships, deep trenches, fish, turtles, dolphins, and of course, stunning coral reefs.

However, in the real world, things are not so bright: frequent weather changes, destructive fishing practices, and water pollution are devastating the incredible marine environment on our planet. Coral reefs, one of Earth’s most precious natural wonders, are under severe threat.

These reefs are home to over two million species of diverse organisms – about a quarter of all marine life. We are uncovering the mysteries of these amazing creatures, yet according to estimates from the World Wildlife Fund, nearly a third of the world’s coral reefs are already damaged beyond recovery. If this trend continues, we could lose 60% of global coral within just a few decades.

We can only combat this issue with your help!
StacyPlays helps protect the oceans!
Our plan involves creating six Biorock structures – an innovative technology that accelerates coral growth by five times. These will be installed off the coast of Cozumel, Mexico – a region where coral reefs are suffering from bleaching and have been battered by hurricanes. The first three projects to bring this idea to fruition feature iconic characters from past and future updates: Alex, Steve, and a sea turtle. The remaining three projects are in the hands of our community!

Developer Logdotzip has created three projects that you can also participate in.

Rabahrex and several other Minecraft PE users will also be working on their own project. We’ll keep you updated on the news.

StacyPlays has also launched a project featuring Merpup!
StacyPlays helps protect the oceans!
She has also initiated a weekly challenge for her viewers called #BuildoftheWeek, which serves as a great opportunity to integrate Coral Crafters and create sculptures in Minecraft PE. A huge thank you to StacyPlays and her team for their support!

We will keep you informed about the project’s status over the next few years so you can witness how our initiative flourishes!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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