Second issue of minecraft magazines!

10:00, 13.11.2017
Second issue of minecraft magazines!
In a surprising turn of events, we have released our second issue!

Second issue of minecraft magazines!
Do you recall when we launched the game-changing official magazine for Minecraft last month? And how countless skeptics took to the streets proclaiming it wouldn’t succeed? We certainly didn’t experience that! At least, it’s clear from your expressions that you hold a hypothetical perspective and possess a sceptical attitude, as the magazine has made it to its second edition!

The official team known as Minecraft Magazin Team (or simply TOMMIT) may not have an acronym that will astound everyone, and people might not grasp the title immediately. However, the developers are confident they can create an amazing printed piece that will appeal to all fans of Minecraft!

Second issue of minecraft magazines!

Ah, this is much better. By the time you read this article, the second issue should already be captivating audiences in Britain with its creativity—unless you’re reading this thousands of years later in the future. In that case, greetings to you, person from the future!

What’s the weather like in 6017? Do you still have magazines? Seriously? That’s awesome!

Other regions will also receive their issues very soon, so stay tuned for updates!

What can you look forward to in this new release? You’ll discover several intriguing features that are sure to pique your interest thanks to Minecraft. It would be fantastic to see something similar with Minecraft PE!

Second issue of minecraft magazines!

Second issue of minecraft magazines!

Second issue of minecraft magazines!

I would love to feature your creations in this magazine. Please send images of your builds and skins to TOOMT at this email[email protected]. They could be among the coolest and most interesting items in the magazine, provided they catch the attention of those involved in Minecraft.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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