Old Minecraft

10:00, 10.05.2019
Old Minecraft

Less than ten days remain until the Minecraft anniversary! It turns ten years old! While that’s not enough time to run for president, when you think about it, so much has happened during this period that certain memories evoke a sense of longing and nostalgia. Is excessive nostalgia dangerous? Probably not. To relive those wonderful times, the developers have released the classic version of Minecraft!

You can run this version in your browser. You will have access to 32 blocks, the same errors, and of course, the classic interface that only my grandmother probably admires. However, we often underestimate Minecraft Bedrock from 2009; when you start playing, you’ll not only feel nostalgia but also enjoyment, especially if you love colored wool (show me someone who doesn’t like it). Click here to access the game.

Old MinecraftAnd everyone together: “Wow!”

To celebrate this occasion, we couldn’t just stick with this version of the game; we have something else exciting to share. Click here to read about the developers’ memories related to the game, and feel free to share your own if you’d like.

Perhaps you would like to win a trip to Seattle for yourself and three other people? How about visiting the Museum of Pop Culture? Seriously, why not? We understand that the classic version makes you want to spend the rest of your life there, but this opportunity is worth stepping away from the game. Click here to enter the contest for a trip to Seattle.

And here’s the latest update! To stay informed about all the plans for the tenth-anniversary celebration, head over to this page (you might want to bookmark it so you don’t miss anything). Mark May 17 on your calendar and get ready for something amazing! Honestly, I had planned to do everything with blocks from the old version, but I was worried that the structure would be too unstable. I really wanted to…

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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