Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.13.0 for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone!

18:28, 19.11.2015
Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.13.0 for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone!

This day has arrived! At last, the moment we’ve all been waiting for is here with the release of Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.13.0! Millions of players and fans of the mobile version of Minecraft have eagerly anticipated this update, and now it’s finally available!

Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.13.0 brings a significant update that introduces several resources related to the fascinating Redstone mechanics. The developers prefer not to clutter the game with unnecessary items, but Redstone mechanisms are truly remarkable and deserve your attention.

Redstone serves as a mysterious force in Minecraft Pocket Edition, functioning similarly to electricity in the real world. This marks the first integration with both the pocket and Windows 10 editions. With Redstone mechanisms, you can create mechanical doors powered by electricity, roller coasters, and much more. You can explore examples of these new capabilities in the maps for Minecraft PE, where numerous maps showcase exciting and useful mechanisms.Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.13.0 for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone!
Additionally, starting from version Minecraft PE 0.13, rabbits, desert temples with traps, and several new types of wooden doors will be introduced into the game. For more details on all the new features in 0.13.0, read – here!

Download Minecraft PE 0.13.0

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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