Inventory: Rabbit’s Foot

10:00, 05.05.2019
Inventory: Rabbit's Foot

Do you want to experience true happiness? If so, you’re in the right place! Today, we will introduce you to the most joyful item in Minecraft Bedrock, which promises success in all your endeavors—it’s the rabbit’s foot!

The rabbit’s foot was announced in June 2014 but was only added in version 1.8, released in September of that same year. After its initial reveal, developers seemingly felt it needed some improvements, and a user from Reddit with the handle “zeldahuman” took on the task. Initially, it was quite challenging to find, but in the subsequent version 1.9, the chances of obtaining one increased fourfold, making it much easier for players.

Inventory: Rabbit's FootRabbit feet are obtained from rabbits (I apologize for the obviousness, but I felt it necessary to mention this in case someone is unaware). When a player defeats a rabbit, there is a one in ten chance that they will receive a foot. However, this probability can increase by one third if you attack with an enchanted sword.

In the Java edition of Minecraft, foxes have recently been introduced (and they will soon appear in Bedrock as well). Occasionally, these foxes can be seen running around with an item in their mouth; if you’re lucky, it might just be that elusive rabbit’s foot that everyone is after. Hmm, I guess even foxes need a bit of luck? But there’s even more exciting news: in the upcoming version, your tamed cat will bring you rabbit’s feet. Thanks, kitty!

If luck has always been on your side and you find no use for the foot, you can utilize it in brewing. Simply combine the foot with a mundane potion at a brewing stand, and voilà, you’ll be able to jump as far as a rabbit! In the next update, you’ll also be able to sell potions to villagers.

Inventory: Rabbit's FootMany cultures in the real world believe that rabbit’s feet and similar charms bring good fortune and joy to their owners. The origins of this tradition remain unclear, but numerous documents from various countries mention rabbit’s feet, including those from Europe, China, Africa, North America, and South America. Perhaps there is indeed something supernatural about it?
Each culture interprets the rules differently; some believed that the rabbit had to be caught in a graveyard and shot with a silver bullet precisely at midnight on Friday the 13th, using only its left paw. Other beliefs state that a cross-eyed person must kill the rabbit. There are many theories, and it seems we may never fully understand what they were based on or how they influenced life.

Fortunately, unlike in Minecraft, nowadays you don’t have to harm a poor rabbit to obtain its foot. There are numerous alternatives available now, such as those made from synthetic fur or latex bones, which are just as effective as the real thing.

No matter which method you choose, keep in mind the wisdom of American author R. E. Shay: “Rely on a rabbit’s foot if you wish, but remember that it didn’t help the rabbit.”

No matter which method you choose, keep in mind the wisdom of American author R. E. Shay: “Rely on a rabbit’s foot if you wish, but remember that it didn’t help the rabbit.”

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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