Ideal pyramids

06:00, 14.04.2018
Ideal pyramids
Tridar unveils the enigmatic design of ancient Egypt!

Dark. Damp. Dangerous. These three words should be carefully avoided, especially if you find yourself trapped near this triangle of terror, where cobwebs and a dusty old mummy are bound to emerge, ready to spring back to life and attack. Egyptian pyramids are not just legendary structures; they are places of nightmares!

It’s clear why pharaohs’ tombs hide rich treasures: it was believed that these riches would serve them in the afterlife. But who in their right mind could conceive such things that horror movie creators have embedded there?

Meet our builder for today, Tridar! And yes, he is not only sane but also something of an expert in constructing Egyptian-themed projects within Minecraft Pocket Edition, particularly pyramids.
Ideal pyramids
Tridar points out the reasons behind his love for the aesthetics of ancient civilizations that have witnessed over 5000 years of history. “There’s something special, unfathomable, secretive, ancient, and utterly indescribable about it that one can simply gaze at and marvel,” he shares about Egypt. “The pyramids are very simple in shape, incredibly massive in weight, yet remarkably delicate in detail. A perfect elegance.”

Tridar joined the Minecraft PE community back in 2013. He began by experimenting with various styles, including medieval and Greco-Roman. However, ultimately, his heart gravitated towards endless deserts. The artist started creating projects that blended both ancient and futuristic elements—historical constructions infused with a unique layer of modern design.
Ideal pyramids
“My lifelong passion has been ancient architecture, lost cities, and vanished cultures,” says Tridar. “I’ve amassed a vast library of books and images featuring past constructions that have inspired me countless times and which I often incorporate into my projects in Minecraft PE.”

Some of Tridar’s designs adhere strictly to a specific style, allowing no liberties. In others, he vividly combines multiple assemblies, enhancing their appeal. For instance, when working on pyramids, the builder often aims to create an “archaic technical perspective,” drawing inspiration from the works of many contemporary creators. His sources frequently include strategy video games or series like “Stargate.” This blend of the very old and the new gives Tridar’s work its distinctive flair.

“Don’t hesitate to alter any design if you believe you can improve it. That’s the philosophy I follow while crafting my projects. This approach brings maximum enjoyment, despite the routine,” asserts the builder.
Ideal pyramids
Recently, Tridar has created numerous objects and maps themed around Ancient Egypt, including obelisks, statues, and even large cities like Akhetaten and Hamunaptra.

Moreover, the Bountiful Update provided all the necessary conditions for the artist, enabling him to utilize the same materials that the Egyptians used in their constructions.
Ideal pyramids
“If diorite, andesite, and granite hadn’t appeared in Minecraft PE, my creations wouldn’t come close to having authentic Egyptian outlines,” says Tridar. “At first, the new types of stones seemed unusual and useless, but after playing for several weeks, I realized how they could be utilized in construction. Now, none of my builds are complete without these blocks.”

Ultimately, it’s not just about the materials used. The spirit of Egypt plays a crucial role in inspiring Tridar to work within a specific style. He describes this direction as honest and straightforward—completely opposite to Western art.
Ideal pyramids
“It’s extremely important to differentiate the boundaries of realism: statues, for example, shouldn’t appear realistic since they’re unreal—they’re made of stone and possess all the properties of rocks. This embodies Minecraft’s essence—too many details in constructions can become overwhelming. As builders, we need to understand that more isn’t always better. Besides, we all enjoy great mummy movies, don’t we?” ponders Tridar.


Mummies are terrifying! Did you know, for instance, that part of the mummification process involves removing the brain through the nostrils? Now horrifying thoughts cross Tridar’s mind: he plans to add tombs to the interiors of his pyramids. What else might he be capable of?

“Everything will depend on where inspiration strikes me. I truly don’t know what might catch my fancy.”
Ideal pyramids
Ideal pyramids
Ideal pyramids
Sounds fantastic, Tridar! But may I ask, where is the exit from this pyramid? Tridar..?

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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