Progress by MrARM on the New TMI for 0.12.1

12:40, 15.09.2015
Progress by MrARM on the New TMI for 0.12.1

MrARM has shared on his Twitter page the exciting developments he is working on for the new Too Many Items. After just a few days of development, it’s clear that MrARM is crafting an entirely fresh and impressive version of Too Many Items, complete with new features and capabilities.

In the image provided, we can see that the developer interface includes an armor screen alongside the player model. MrARM mentioned that this is still in the development phase, but he aims to incorporate enchantment options for both armor and possibly items within this window. How everything will ultimately look remains uncertain, as the development process is quite dynamic, with MrARM making numerous adjustments and revisions.Progress by MrARM on the new TMI for 0.12.1

We will keep you updated with any new information! Stay tuned for updates in this section!

UPD: MrARM will no longer be updating his Too Many Items; instead, he has created a new addon called Toolbox, which will now receive updates for the latest game versions. You can find out more here!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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