Block of the week: honey

10:00, 25.05.2020
Block of the week: honey

This week, we have chosen one of the most fascinating blocks introduced in Minecraft over the past few years — honey. Let’s take a closer look at its capabilities!

Honey blocks were announced during Minecon Live 2019 and made their way into the game at the end of last year with version 1.15 — the “Buzzy Bees” update. To craft them, you only need four bottles of honey collected from hives or bee nests. Just be cautious of angry bees!Block of the week: honey Honeycombs in Minecraft are primarily used for decoration, but what about honey blocks? They are surprisingly useful, and I’m here to explain why. Firstly, like hay bales, they significantly reduce fall damage. If you land on a honey block, you’ll only take 80% of the damage and, additionally, you’ll sink into the sweet, sticky honey.

Secondly, anything that moves above a honey block will move at a significantly slower pace and won’t be able to bounce. This characteristic makes the block an excellent trap, as captured mobs or players won’t be able to escape quickly, allowing you to easily hit them with arrows. This effect also applies through carpets and slabs. Consequently, you can slide along honey walls for a short distance while jumping past them.

Thirdly, and most interestingly, when a honey block is pushed by a piston, it will push all adjacent blocks and items. Additionally, if one of those blocks happens to be a honey block, it will in turn pull other items along. This chain reaction enables multiple blocks to be moved simultaneously, with a maximum of 12 being the limit.

The ability to move blocks opens up possibilities for creating various machines: conveyor belts, elevators, harvesters, flying devices, massive automatic doors, and much more. Last year, we compiled a list of the coolest examples of honey block applications. You can implement these ideas in your own world of Minecraft Bedrock, or even better, come up with something unique!Block of the week: honey In real life, honey is like the bee’s version of that peculiar chocolate bar your uncle brought back from vacation. If you’re feeling under the weather or simply prefer a healthier lifestyle, honey can serve as a great alternative to sweets. However, if you run out and crave something sweet, you can indulge in whatever else you desire.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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