Disney Castle

10:00, 10.12.2018
Disney Castle

Once upon a time, when I was just a child and barely three feet tall, I had the chance to visit Disney World. Fast forward many years later, and I found myself there again. Honestly, the feelings and experiences were completely different from my first encounter with this magical place. The only thing that remained unchanged is my ability to easily get lost in the maze of shops, attractions, and massive crowds.
Disney Castle
I believe I’m not alone in this. It seems the architects recognized this tendency and created one prominent landmark in each park. For instance, there’s the Lion King tree, the giant golf ball at Epcot, and the Magic Kingdom itself. The most iconic of all is the towering white-and-blue castle known as Cinderella’s Castle. Technically, it belongs to Cindy’s husband, the royal figure, and everyone else. In my mind, Disney World feels empty—long corridors, spacious estates, lavish halls—all devoid of life. Yet, in reality, it’s the complete opposite. It’s bustling with people who are constantly snapping photos and stopping in the middle of pathways for selfies. They make it difficult for me to reach Space Mountain. Move aside!

The fantasy castle designed by In_Mine Architects in Minecraft likely draws inspiration from the home Cindy dreamed of. But just imagine, there are no people inside! That might be its coolest feature! Moreover, its towers are so high that the only company I would have would be the clouds. Wait. Am I turning into an arrogant adult who can’t stand fun? Hooray!)
Disney Castle
This magnificent shining white castle was commissioned by a client who desired something reminiscent of Disney’s creations. Consequently, builders who had never visited Disneyland and lived thousands of miles away decided to embark on a three-week journey.

The stunning castle is constructed about 80% from quartz, while the remaining 20% consists of stone bricks and cobblestones. Inside the structure, there are small courtyards filled with greenery and flowers. Each window is painted blue and white to closely resemble the original. Arches and columns give the castle a cathedral-like appearance. Cinderella must have spent a fortune maintaining and heating it; lucky her for marrying a prince! Every room is adorned with torches, providing ample lighting throughout the castle. However, wandering around in those extravagant, flammable dresses could cost someone their life.
Disney Castle
Crazyarchitektor is the individual behind the castle’s construction. His teammate Leonex, responsible for landscaping, has been building in Minecraft Pocket Edition for eight years. “I can’t imagine my life without it!” he says, as it serves not only as his hobby but also his profession. “It’s my primary source of income,” he admits. “Since I build professionally, I strive to ensure every project is top-notch so that clients will return to me.”

When he doesn’t have any clients and his earnings pause (how great is it that he gets paid for video games!), Crazyarchitektor spends even more time in Minecraft. “My favorite build is an entire project,” he shares. This project is called Project Eclipsis, which features a whole medieval world where he occasionally constructs new elements during breaks between commissions. So, it resembles more of a hobby, although he uses the same software as in his professional work. There, you can find a castle, a farm, a grand hall styled like Hogwarts, and a coliseum—all situated within a medieval town protected by towering stone walls and surrounded by snow-capped mountains! It sounds like I’ve described Game of Thrones, except here everything is divided into blocks.
Disney Castle
Disney Castle
Disney Castle
Disney Castle
If you’re interested in Crazyarchitektor’s creative works, you can discover more about his projects on Planet Minecraft. Additionally, you can follow the development of the medieval city!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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