Bad Habits in Minecraft

10:00, 10.01.2020
Bad Habits in Minecraft

It would be great to set a goal at the beginning of this year. How about working on eliminating bad habits in Minecraft?

Let’s start with some common habits that many players have. We’ve selected a few and will share them with you today. Your task is to pick one and begin tackling it. Too easy? Then try to address all of them at once!

Avoid digging directly beneath yourself

Bad Habits in Minecraft In Minecraft, there aren’t any formal crimes, but digging straight down is considered an unspoken taboo. If you choose to dig downward, you might just be asking for trouble. Beneath the surface, you could encounter bubbling lava, aggressive spiders, or vast caverns. Should you decide to proceed with this risky endeavor, make sure to keep a sword and a ladder handy to fend off spiders and escape back to safety.

Incomplete Builds

Bad Habits in Minecraft Do you recall that stunning castle with the massive throne and grand hall? No? Exactly! Because I never finished it!

My friends often inquire about that castle, and I tell them I’m busy with other builds. And guess what? None of those have been completed either! Don’t be like me. Make sure to finish your projects in creative mode and enhance your portfolio.

Cave Life

Bad Habits in Minecraft We are in the year 2020, yet some players still reside in caves. It’s time to break free from that primitive mindset, gather some stone, and construct a proper, fully-fledged house. Install windows and doors, build staircases, lay down carpets, plant flowers, and hang up artwork. And don’t forget to place a bed, which actually leads us to the next point.

Get Some Sleep

Bad Habits in Minecraft Sleeping in a bed resets your spawn point, allowing you to explore the world without worrying about dying and losing your gear. At night, all hostile mobs come out, and sleeping will keep you safe from them. Gather some wool and wooden planks, craft a bed, and place it in a small shelter. That’s it, your mini-hotel is ready!

Don’t Neglect Lighting

Bad Habits in Minecraft Always remember to ensure proper lighting in caves. Placing torches will only take a few seconds, and during that time, your precious diamonds won’t disappear. In fact, you might even discover materials that were previously hidden in the dark.

Healthy Eating

Bad Habits in Minecraft As the New Year celebrations come to an end, it’s time to get back on track with your diet. This applies not just to real life but also to your character in Minecraft Bedrock. Aim to prepare a variety of dishes: pumpkin pie, cooked meat from the furnace, baked potatoes, and stewed rabbit. Grow wheat for bread, add sugar, eggs, and milk to make a cake. Venture into the woods for mushrooms, catch some fish, and most importantly—avoid rotten flesh. Yes, I know it’s easy to obtain, but consuming it puts you at risk of food poisoning. Take care of your character’s health by cooking something nutritious instead.

Stop Hoarding Everything

Bad Habits in Minecraft Dear hoarders, if you have entire rooms in your home dedicated to storing chests, it’s time to stop collecting everything. It’s the right moment to clear out the clutter and stones that you think might be useful someday. Most of the items can easily be obtained just by stepping outside. Toss all your junk into lava and walk away without looking back. As for valuables, those should definitely be left untouched.

Say No to Double Doors!

Bad Habits in Minecraft Numerous players of Minecraft Pocket Edition are quite fond of double doors. While they certainly enhance the aesthetics of a grand castle or mansion, they may not be suitable for smaller homes. Firstly, they occupy a significant portion of the wall space, and secondly, is it really convenient to open two doors every time? Let’s say goodbye to double doors!

Streamline Your Gameplay

Bad Habits in Minecraft Many users have spent countless hours in Minecraft, yet haven’t ventured into building with redstone. This is a missed opportunity! Redstone is an excellent tool that can alleviate your daily tasks. Although its mechanics might seem complex at first glance, once you grasp the basics, you’ll unlock a plethora of devices! You can automate farming, speed up ore collection, create a honey block machine, or even construct a hidden piston door. Move forward and push the boundaries of your Minecraft experience!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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