And again an update!

10:00, 07.02.2019
And again an update!

Slabs, stairs, a variety of walls and blocks. Apologies, but I’m feeling a bit anxious right now. Yes, this happens every time a new update for Minecraft Bedrock is released. By the way, you can already download it on Xbox One, Windows 10 Edition, iOS, Gear VR, Android, and Nintendo Switch.

There’s an extensive array of building materials available, which we previously mentioned in the announcement for the upcoming Village and Pillage update. The new villagers are still getting accustomed to their new professions, but this update is undoubtedly a builder’s dream, featuring numerous types of stairs, walls, slabs, and other exciting items. Below, we’ve attached some examples.
And again an update!
And again an update!
And again an update!
And again an update!
Of course, the developers have not overlooked vegetation and introduced two new flowers: lily of the valley and cornflower! This means that all fans of cornflowers can finally relax and enjoy them. We can also breathe easier since the endless requests flooding our office asking for cornflowers had become quite overwhelming. Hooray, everyone got what they wanted. We’re thrilled!

In addition to everything mentioned above, there are new features: certain rules for Minecraft and buttons that will directly link you to the feedback site, the bug tracking site, and the support site. And here’s something cool: you can now place lava inside cauldrons! Just be careful when doing so to avoid spills, as we wouldn’t want your beautiful new garden filled with cornflowers to catch fire.
And again an update!
And again an update!
This release also includes several new features hidden under the experimental gameplay toggle in world settings. If you wish to utilize these features, you must first enable experimental gameplay.

These features encompass the Minecraft Script Engine (what is that, you ask? Click here to learn more!). Visit the mighty Minecraft Wiki for reference guides and package examples.

Under the “Experimental Gameplay” switch, we also have pillagers, a new Bamboo Jungle biome, lanterns, crossbows with new enchantments, and block fillers for the new village blocks (they’re currently non-functional, so let’s be patient and wait). And as we’ve emphasized multiple times before, it’s crucial to back up your worlds before entering experimental gameplay, as these features are still in development and may contain bugs.

If you have suggestions for improving Minecraft Pocket Edition, feel free to reach out via official email or other contact methods.

This update should now be available across all platforms; if for any reason you can’t find your desired platform, just hang tight for a little while longer. Enjoy the new possibilities!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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