Calculator in the Chat
Calculatus: Mathematics within Minecraft Chat
Calculatus is a Forge modification for Minecraft version 1.8.9 that allows players to compute mathematical expressions directly in the chat. This mod is capable of handling fundamental arithmetic operations, parentheses, and modulo calculations. The player’s coordinates are stored in the variables x, y, and z, which represent their position within the game world. To make calculations more convenient, it includes shorthand notations for larger numbers, such as “k”, “m”, “b”, and “t”, particularly useful for players engaged in skyblock challenges.
- /calc: Execute a mathematical equation.
- Sample usage: /calc 2 + 2 * 3 will result in 8.
- Sample usage: /calc 1/2 will yield 0.5. (Note that it rounds to the nearest hundredths place.)
- Sample usage: /calc z+10 (if the player’s z-coordinate is -10) will resolve to 0.
- Sample usage: /calc 1k will calculate to 1,000.
- /calc history: Display the list of previously evaluated equations.
- /calc clear: Erase the recorded history of mathematical expressions.