Wonderful Fountains

10:00, 03.03.2020
Wonderful Fountains

During a recent live stream of Minecraft, it was decided to hold a building competition centered around a single theme. The chosen topic was fountains, and since no one knew the theme in advance, this made for a completely fair creative challenge. Additionally, participants had to come up with their concepts quickly, as they were given a limited time frame of just 90 minutes for construction.

The Minecraft community jumped right into the task without hesitation. Even within such a tight schedule, they managed to create stunning fountains of various shapes and meanings!Wonderful Fountains This modern fountain reflects the vibes of an “urban oasis.” Wonderful Fountains A fountain inspired by our new Minecraft Bedrock friends. It’s magnificent! Wonderful Fountains Stone and water—a combination as old as time. However, this fountain is anything but outdated. Wonderful Fountains This is a classic fountain. What could be more perfect than quartz blocks combined with water!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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