When Will Toolbox for MCPE 0.14.0 Be Released?

11:41, 25.02.2016
When Will Toolbox for MCPE 0.14.0 Be Released?
Following the final release of Minecraft: Pocket Edition 0.14.0, everyone has been eagerly awaiting an update for the well-known add-on — Toolbox. (If you’re unfamiliar with Toolbox, you can read more about it here!)

A week has already passed since the release of MCPE 0.14.0, and there’s still no new Toolbox! Why is that?

— Dear friends and users of our site, updating Toolbox takes time, especially when the developer, MrARM, has limited availability to focus on programming. In this case, the timeline for updating Toolbox for version 0.14.0 was something the developer himself highlighted.

A week after the release isn’t a long wait; in the past, updates for the former Too Many Items and current Toolbox could take up to a month. Yes, we are all anxiously anticipating Toolbox because it’s the best alternative to TMI for MCPE—it’s worth being patient while MrARM works on adapting all the features of his Toolbox for MCPE 0.14.0.

Interesting Facts:

On February 21, 2016 (just a couple of days after the release of MCPE 0.14.0), the developer tweeted: Yesterday I updated Linux, so today I can work on updating Toolbox.
A few hours ago, MrARM posted on his Twitter page that the Toolbox update is progressing well, and most of the functionality is working smoothly!
Based on this information from the official Twitter account of developer MrARM, we can conclude that the update for Toolbox for 0.14.0 is underway. However, how long it will take remains uncertain! Perhaps we’ll see the new version of Toolbox next week, but in the meantime, let’s support the developer with encouraging comments and wish him luck for a speedy update!

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Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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