Completion of Work on Too Many Items for 0.12.1!

11:49, 28.09.2015
Completion of Work on Too Many Items for 0.12.1!

The developer of the widely recognized addon Too Many Items, MrARM, has been working on a new version of Too Many Items for three weeks now. This upcoming addon will be quite different from the familiar Too Many Items we have grown accustomed to.

During these past three weeks, MrARM has written extensive new code for Too Many Items, making it even more impressive and user-friendly. The new iteration focuses on minimal text and maximum clarity through intuitive icons.

This weekend, MrARM worked on the effects menu, which he shared with us yesterday on his Twitter page. Now, selecting an effect will be done through a beautifully designed and convenient pop-up graphical interface that is both comfortable and easy to understand.Completion of Too Many Items for 0.12.1!

When you select an effect, a new window opens where you can specify the level and duration of the chosen effect.Completion of Too Many Items for 0.12.1!

Additionally, the new Too Many Items will feature a similar animal spawn management menu in the game, but it will be more straightforward and user-friendly:Completion of Too Many Items for 0.12.1!

MrARM noted that his Too Many Items addon will replace your inventory not only in survival mode but also in creative mode, as it will encompass all necessary features for a comfortable gaming experience!

UPD: MrARM will no longer update his Too Many Items; instead, he has created a new addon called Toolbox, which will continue to receive updates for the latest game versions. You can find out more here!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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  • Этот аддон никогда не выйдетЧто он ещё выдумал бля?

  • Бля выпускайте уже 28 число!

  • Аддон tmi выйдет среда-пятницаСегодня наврятли

  • Когда будет релиз то наверн уже выпустят новую версию mcpe и ненужен уже будет этот аддон 🙁

  • Ну блиииииин 🙁 … Сегодня 29 число а релиз TMI ещё не состоялся:( …

  • Обещал разработчик TMI =) ! Видимо у него были на то причины? чтобы отложить релиз новой версии TMI.

  • круто правда работаетЦитата: CrafterchikЖдем релиза от MrARM =)