Villages and looting

10:00, 01.11.2018
Villages and looting

Behind the blocks with Agnes, Nathan, and Cory!

If you are a regular reader (someone who frequently checks out all previously written articles about Minecraft and pays attention to every detail), then you have likely seen the recently released major Java snapshots. These were among our earliest snapshots created to activate features for the upcoming “Village and Pillage” update!

(In case you’re unaware, Snapshots are builds that have been around for some time. They allow players to test upcoming features in Minecraft: Java Edition. If you play on Windows 10, Xbox One, or Android, we encourage you to try out early features. Click here for more details.)

This snapshot includes, Attention! Pandas! A strange combination! Illager beast! Color palette! New blocks! Updated textures! Former Laborist David Blanket! What? Okay, okay, the last one was unnecessary. But all the previous ones, along with many others, were real. Just think about it!
Villages and looting
“I really enjoy breeding pandas, but I will only keep those that sneeze. All I want from them is to be cute and sneeze,” says game developer Nathan Adams. We’re very glad he doesn’t have a personal zoo.

“After version 1.13, we decided not to limit the number of blocks in Minecraft Pocket Edition anymore,” explains Nathan Adams, lead engineer for Minecraft: Java Edition. “The moment has come when we have no restrictions, and we simply can’t stop adding everything we’ve long wanted to recreate!”

“What excites me is that we’re finally releasing new blocks,” shares Agnes Larsson, also a game developer. “It’s very interesting and fun.”

We present to you several decorative stair blocks added recently. You can find most of them in the images below.
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
[1/8] – Stone stairs
[2/8] – Cobblestone stairs
[3/8] – Sandstone stairs
[4/8] – Smooth sandstone stairs
[5/8] – Red sandstone stairs
[6/8] – Smooth red sandstone stairs
[7/8] – Mossy cobblestone stairs
[8/8] – Daily, we receive millions of complaints about not sharing screenshots of updates. So, are you satisfied now?

Oh, great, that’s all for the stairs. Let’s see what’s next. What? More stairs?
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
[1/6] – Brick stairs
[2/6] – Quartz stairs
[3/6] – Smooth quartz stairs
[4/6] – Diorite stairs
[5/6] – Polished diorite stairs
[6/6] – Andesite stairs

This is just wonderful. I believe this is enough for any construction in Minecraft.
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
Villages and looting
[1/4] – Polished andesite stairs
[2/4] – To finish stone brick stairs
[3/4] – And again brick stairs
[4/4] – Stairs! Stairs! Stairs!
Stop! Enough!

And you know, this doesn’t even compare to the amount that the Java team has put out to share with you regarding new blocks. They didn’t just stick to stairs; there are walls, regular blocks, and so much more. Now you can build the house you’ve dreamed of for so long and retire peacefully. Everything as planned!

If you want to experience the new blocks and construct a fortress, you’ll need to defend it. And now you won’t face such issues because a crossbow has arrived in Minecraft Bedrock.
Villages and looting
Steve, you wouldn’t attack me, would you? If you do, you’ll regret it because I still have a ton of articles to release!

“The crossbow is the only weapon added,” shares Cory Shevyak, game developer. “But it has three unique features. Reload speed— the higher its level, the shorter the duration. Multi-shot— by using just one arrow from your inventory, you can shoot multiple arrows at once. And the third point is piercing. The arrow passes through and damages multiple mobs at once.”

After that, Cory laughed; he tried but couldn’t quite manage to produce a scary laugh and said, “Crossbows are pretty cool. Especially if we replace ‘pretty’ with ‘very’ and ‘cool’ with ‘creepy’.

The new weapon fits perfectly into Minecraft Bedrock. And if you aim it at pillagers, what happens…

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