The long-awaited meeting

10:00, 25.01.2019
The long-awaited meeting

Builders in Minecraft often base their creations on real-world structures. However, have you ever considered that very few of them actually visit the locations they meticulously construct block by block over days or even months? The developers of Minecraft Bedrock recognized this and decided it was essential to showcase actual buildings to the creators. They chose a person named Rick Kato, whose project aimed at bringing the world heritage site of Linkora Island in Japan to life has left everyone who had the chance to observe or stroll through its expansive streets thoroughly impressed.

I believe Rick Kato must have been pleased with the organized trip. Check out how he compares his work to Linkora Island in the video embedded below.

Additionally, if you’re curious about what his version looked like in Minecraft Pocket Edition (I’m sure you’ll love it because it’s simply amazing!), you can also enjoy this video:

Hmm, do you think if I build a massive, luxurious five-star hotel, Minecraft would cover all my expenses there? That seems unlikely…

We extend our gratitude to everyone who contributed to the creation of the videos, including Rick Kato. To see more new videos from Mojang, subscribe to their official YouTube channel.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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