Meet the Cave Spider

10:00, 20.10.2017
Meet the Cave Spider

Ah, exploring an abandoned mine! What could be more thrilling? In fact, I find myself doing it repeatedly in the world of Minecraft when I return home. It’s quite enjoyable and satisfying.

However, in the realm of Minecraft PE, cave spiders are significantly larger and far more venomous (unless, of course, you happen to live in Australia). My first encounter with a cave spider occurred when, through sheer bravery and remarkable skills, I managed to keep these creepy creatures away from my face by trapping myself in a small hole made of dirt blocks.

To ensure I knew where my foe was lurking, I left a 1×1 block opening in Minecraft PE for a quick escape. My delicate, soft, lovely face was perilously close to that opening when a cave spider suddenly appeared out of nowhere and spat at me. Aaaaah!

I was disheartened. I got poisoned. But it wasn’t too terrible since I was already dead. Cave spiders deal an average hit of 4 damage points in MCPE.

A smaller version of the regular spider found in Minecraft, these little guys are incredibly swift both in speed and bite. They are also well-adapted to squeeze through tight spaces, like those found in their natural habitats. Who would have thought? Well, clearly this guy did:
“At one point, we considered adding potion effects, and I wanted to create a poisonous spider. Instead of just adding poison to the traditional spider, we decided to make a new one. Eventually, it was included. While the normal spider is wider by one block, the cave spider is smaller, allowing it to navigate through tighter areas. It also features slightly different textures,” said Jens Bergensten.
Meet the Cave Spider

Want to know another fun fact about the cave spider in Minecraft Pocket Edition? Its shadow is the same size as that of a regular spider, so even if it can’t fit into your only hiding spot, it’s still absolutely terrifying.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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