Sensational sculptures

06:00, 24.03.2018
Sensational sculptures

This time, we delve into the artistry of the renowned Minecraft creator Eonly – an impressive artist who utilizes the world of Minecraft Pocket Edition as his canvas and medium to bring his visions to life. From regal figures like kings and queens to intricate floral “prisons,” the range of his creations is astonishingly vast, covering numerous themes, all of which are undeniably stunning!

“I simply create various representations of people or other beings, each time infusing a unique theme into the project,” shares the builder.
Sensational sculptures
Eonly’s journey towards creating genius works in Minecraft PE begins with simple sketches, gradually adding more elements and complexity to his designs. “When constructing a statue, it’s crucial to consider the pose – I want it to appear as if the creature has just moved, captured at that precise moment by the photographer. It’s also essential for the sculpture to have a good view from any angle, so significant effort goes into ensuring visibility from every perspective,” asserts the artist.
Sensational sculptures
The creator also shared some tips regarding sculptures in Minecraft PE: “To create an illusion of movement, one must carefully consider the clothing of the beings. For instance, in the image below, you can see one of Eonly’s works. Notice how the edge of the shirt or dress is slightly lifted by a gentle breeze – this adds a significant effect of motion and realism.” He also recommends paying close attention to even the smallest details and experimenting with a variety of vibrant colors.
Sensational sculptures
This technique was also employed in his entry for the snow globe contest in Minecraft PE. The map Melograno emerged victorious in the competition, which comes as no surprise. The project features a large snow globe containing a small town, overshadowed by a massive tree under which a peculiar creature resides.

Unfortunately, the being is trapped within this globe. This is understandable, as the artist aptly named this project “Loneliness.”
Sensational sculptures
Eonly is well-versed in the culture of his homeland, with many of his works reflecting traditional Italian styles. However, with each creation, he strives to incorporate more and more innovation. “I love showcasing the fantastic stories that my country holds within,” he expresses.

He hopes to continue this endeavor in Minecraft PE. “Minecraft is a wonderful place where you can create anything you desire and inspire others through it,” claims the artist.
Sensational sculptures
Sensational sculptures
Sensational sculptures
Sensational sculptures
Sensational sculptures
Sensational sculptures
Sensational sculptures
I believe Eonly can inspire anyone, not only through his artwork but also through his words. “It’s very important to take pride in your work and not be afraid to explore new opportunities and apply unique styles,” says the constructor.

“There were times when seeing someone else’s great work made me think, ‘Why can’t I achieve the same? Why can’t I create something like that?’ – and it really hurt my self-esteem. But over time, I realized that this mindset is detrimental – it leads to losing your uniqueness. So learn from mistakes and strive for improvement!”
Sensational sculptures
“Keep your goals in mind and move forward, never give up regardless of the challenges or mistakes you encounter. Always rise again if you fall!” – advises Eonly.

Great advice for everyone, not just users of Minecraft PE!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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