Block Friday in Marketplace

10:00, 24.11.2018
Block Friday in Marketplace

Again, it’s that infamous Black Friday with its so-called massive discounts? No way, that’s not for us! But Block Friday is a whole different story! This event stands as a prime example of clever wordplay that has greatly benefited the community and inspired us to organize this sale. So go ahead and grab those items you’ve had your eye on for a while! Discounts are available on over 100 products from our collection.

“Hold on, you silly website!” players exclaimed in frustration. “You’ve messed up the date again, foolish editors! You’re a whole day late!” While you’re technically correct, our event isn’t limited to just one Friday; Block Friday is so grand and enticing that it deserves more than a single day for mere mortals. That’s why this sale will run from Wednesday, November 21st, to Monday, November 26th, 2018. You have nearly an entire week to carefully consider your choices or simply buy everything in sight! Hey, there’s a Friday out there, purists of Black Friday! One of those days happens to be Friday! What a shame!)

During this joyous period, you’ll save 30% on 93 products from the Minecraft Store. Our store supports almost all platforms, including Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Windows 10, iOS, and Android. Another significant advantage of our promotion that we can’t overlook is the MAXIMUM discount! Each day of the sale, two products will receive this magical discount. So keep an eye out and visit our Store frequently to seize this opportunity, or follow us on Twitter.

Click here to head to the Minecraft Bedrock marketplace and enjoy the sale!

And here’s something else worth mentioning! Xbox One players can purchase the special edition game: Minecraft Block Friday Xbox One Bundle. It includes the Festive Mash-Up Pack, the Town Folk Skin Pack, and 310 Minecoins at an incredibly low price. You can find out more about this bundle here.

I have a feeling you’re going to have a fantastic weekend!

The aforementioned sale is only valid for players who own the version of Minecraft that supports Marketplace. The sale ends on November 27th at 9 PM MSK.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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