Online Learning in Minecraft

10:00, 26.03.2020
Online Learning in Minecraft

The entire world has been turned upside down. Many countries are implementing quarantines, and people are facing the unknown with remote learning, telecommuting, travel restrictions, heightened security measures, and more. Communities have come together to combat the epidemic. Some are working on vaccines, delivering food, equipping hospitals with medical supplies and disinfectants, while others tirelessly care for patients, sanitize everything possible, and strive to halt the virus’s spread. Daily routines have been completely disrupted, with many staying home to minimize contact with the outside world and prevent further transmission of the illness. In such times, it’s easy to succumb to panic, so engaging in hobbies can help us all find some calm.

Schools, universities, and various educational institutions are shifting to remote learning, making it a challenging time for educators as well. Minecraft has stepped up to support the advancement of online education, ensuring that young people can continue their studies even during these difficult times.

From the comfort of your home, you can embark on a tour of the International Space Station or delve into the structure of the human eye. Thanks to users and content creators, we have the opportunity to learn about renewable energy sources, marine biology, Greek history, and a wealth of new information regarding various scientific explorations. The worlds feature curricula that include creative writing, solving intricate puzzles, and independently crafting something innovative.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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