Map updates in Realms

10:00, 18.02.2019
Map updates in Realms

We are excited to present the first article of the year about Realms maps! This time, we’ve curated six of the most captivating and unique Minecraft Bedrock maps. You’ll find everything you love here: from board games and clever creations to time travel adventures. So if you’re a fan of exploration, this is definitely worth your read.


by Vertex Creations
Map updates in Realms
Map updates in RealmsMap updates in Realms
Map updates in Realms
According to Wikipedia, the Windmill (traditionally known as “Nine Dancing Men”) is a strategic board game that dates back to the Roman Empire. It’s also referred to as cowboy checkers and is sometimes printed on the reverse side of chess boards. Thanks, Wikipedia! My colleagues told me I shouldn’t just take phrases from Wikipedia, but I’ve always done it and will continue to do so.

The entire game can be divided into three phases. Initially, you place your game pieces in empty spots. Then, you can move them to adjacent squares until you have only three pieces left. The final phase is flight! Strangely enough, you can’t actually fly, but you are allowed to move your pieces anywhere. The game concludes when a player has only two pieces remaining. Many claim that victory can be achieved through strategy. They said the same about tic-tac-toe, yet for some reason, I still keep losing. Who knows why that happens…

Totem Clash

Creators: HomiePinkGuyYT and Dank_Assassin
Map updates in Realms
Map updates in Realms
Map updates in Realms
Map updates in Realms
Imagine if chess had been invented not centuries ago, but in today’s world. There would likely be daily bonuses upon entering the game, along with downloadable expansions that players could choose at their leisure. Additionally, various weapons and gadgets would probably be included. Players might drop onto the board from an airplane, move their pawns across the squares, and once they accumulated enough points, they could promote to a queen. Of course, there would also be skins and different colors and styles for the game board. Picture opening a chess box: “Surprise, you got checkers!”

Alternatively, a chess-like game created today could resemble “Totem Clash” in Minecraft Pocket Edition, where players control pieces reminiscent of one of the greatest games ever made. In the traditional version, movement is limited to forward and backward, but what about sideways? Perhaps you’d like to set traps, build walls, or use archers to shoot at enemies from afar? No problem—it’s all part of the game. Moreover, there are cowboys who have represented the Wild West for over two hundred years. But remember, both you and your opponents can wield weapons and other tools. Therefore, to emerge victorious from this battle, you’ll need to carefully consider how to defend your territory.

The Fourth Dimension

From the Vaeron team

Your computer is functioning properly, and what you just witnessed on your screen is indeed real. You are about to embark on a grand adventure, experiencing fear and mystery that seep from the depths of the mind into… The Fourth Dimension!

This particular build stands out due to its ever-changing pace. If you’re tired of standard builds, and even creative mode or survival in Minecraft no longer excite you, then this map is worth a visit. Here, you can jump, fly, and engage in extreme activities. I highly recommend checking it out at least once. The creators shared their thoughts on their work:

“The core of time maintains the heartbeat of existence, acting as a catalyst for natural changes and an omnipotent arbiter of history itself. The Fourth Dimension immerses players in exquisite and skillful adventures spanning from the past to the future. It secured second place in the Minecraft project competition ‘Time Travel!’

Stop wasting your time idly. Gather all your gadgets and journey back in time! Chances are, you might be hailed as a great wizard there, but that’s not guaranteed. Who knows how people will react to all these modern technologies? They may consider you insane or a heretic. So think twice before venturing forth.

Sheep Distribution

By The_Artist123

Your task is to categorize the incoming sheep by their colors. They arrive in carts, and you need to manage the tracks and direct each animal to a specific door. While this may not be the most intellectually challenging job you could ask for, it does have its advantages. You can constantly enjoy music while working. This is great because trying to think and listen to music at the same time can make completing the task quite difficult. Instead, you can just play your favorite tunes and sort the sheep. Just imagine being able to listen to your beloved tracks all day long! Successfully completing a level will lead you to an even more complex challenge where you’ll have to frantically switch levers back and forth until you fall. It seems like the guidance is setting you up for failure. Perhaps you should team up?

Pixel Party

Creators: DutchCommanderMC, Team Blocksanity
Map updates in Realms
Map updates in Realms
Map updates in Realms
Map updates in Realms
Pixel Party is a rapidly evolving collection of nine distinct mini-games. Between rounds, you can opt for a new mode or replay your favorite one. Choose from games like “Escape the Lava During a Fire,” “Stop Moving, I Need to Throw This Chicken at You,” or “Come on, Oscar, I Read the Rules When You Shot Me.” Endless fun with friends, but seriously – watch out for those chickens!

Annoying Ghosts

Creators: ElectroBleach, GenericallyNamed, and Meeepy12

As everyone knows, ghosts are weightless, amorphous beings that frighten and irritate those around them with their presence, but a regular vacuum cleaner can easily handle this issue. In the game’s storyline, you enter into a contract with someone and must now cleanse a vast mansion filled with pesky spirits. Complete a series of tasks under the guidance of a creepy figure with a radio, revel in full spectral annoyance, or chase your phantoms using the Suck-o-Munga 3000. There’s so much to accomplish! We brainstormed and came up with some suggestions for the creators of this build: You could develop an entire franchise based on Minecraft Bedrock themed “Magnificent Ghosts,” “Friendly Ghosts,” “Punctual Ghosts,” and “Affectionate Ghosts.” I believe this series of maps would attract a huge fanbase. Count me among them!

Create Your Own Realms Map

In conclusion, we would like to highlight the small newspaper icon that appears in the corner of the game, notifying you about the latest and most exciting maps.

Perhaps you wish for some of your own creations to be featured in Realms? Could it be that someone will finally design a mythical boat map set in the Amazon rainforest, or that an aspiring creator will take advantage of entirely new foxes and their behaviors? If you’re interested in having your builds showcased in the next article, please visit this page, which provides information on the Java Realms content creation program. Should you have any questions regarding this process, feel free to reach out on Twitter.

To learn how to upload maps and other content to Java Realms for your PC, check out the help site. If you haven’t yet experienced Realms for yourself, a blue diamond will appear on the Minecraft Realms button located on the main screen of Minecraft: Java Edition. Click on it, then follow the instructions to try Realms for free for 30 days. Enjoy exploring with new maps!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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