Inventory: Elytra

10:00, 22.12.2019
Inventory: Elytra

It has been scientifically established that when a player in Minecraft jumps from a significant height for the first time, they often exclaim something like “Wheeeeee!” The truth is, we haven’t quite figured out whether it’s more of an “Aaaah” or a “Wheee,” and it seems we’ll never truly know.

Elytra are items that enable players to fly even in survival mode. By flying, I actually mean “falling slower and less painfully than usual.” Equip them in your chest armor slot, ascend to a high location, and then hit the “jump” button while falling.

With a bit of magic (or science), the elytra will unfold like bird wings, allowing you to glide down to your desired landing spot. Aiming downward increases your speed, while aiming upward decreases it. And most importantly—watch out for obstacles like cliffs or structures. Colliding with them can be quite painful. I’ve learned this from personal experience.Inventory: Elytra Now, I’m sure you’re eager to find out how to obtain this amazing item. Well, I have some not-so-great news: elytra can only be found in End Cities in Minecraft Bedrock, specifically within the treasure chests of ships. They are also guarded by shulkers, so you’ll need to put in some effort to get them.

Once you have acquired and used the elytra, their condition may slightly deteriorate. To restore them, you can venture back to the End and search for new elytra (this will be easier if you already possess one), then combine them at an anvil. Alternatively, you can repair them using phantom membranes. This method has the advantage of preserving all enchantments applied to the wings. Each membrane restores about 25% durability, making it potentially the better option.Inventory: Elytra Unlike most other items found in the End, elytra are a tangible item in the real world, and once you learn what they truly are, you might find yourself less inclined to use them.

Wing covers are protective structures for beetle wings. These paired body parts are known as elytra, a term derived from the Greek word meaning “shell” or “cover.” When an insect takes flight, the wing covers lift up, revealing the wings beneath. Think of the red ladybug with black spots; its two-toned shell is indeed the elytra.

Humans lack wings, so we have no need for wing covers. However, we have developed artificial elytra similar to those found in Minecraft. A fabric wingsuit creates a sort of membrane between a person’s arms and legs, allowing them to glide through the air. By adjusting their angle, wingsuit flyers can cover distances of three meters while only descending one meter in height. Scientists still have yet to explore whether wingsuiters can shout “Wheeeeee!” throughout their entire flight.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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