Happy Holidays!

10:00, 24.12.2017

The year 2017 is drawing to a close, offering you 365 brand new amazing days in Minecraft PE. This year has brought us updates like Better Together, World of Color, the New 3DS, and the launch of the Nintendo Switch, which might be the most significant event. Hooray!

We also surveyed numerous members of the Minecraft community and showcased their brilliant builds (and stories) on this site! Some of my favorites include our discovery of Atlantis, a construction on the Moon, the Minecraft manuscript inspired by Mona Lisa, a smooth transition into MC Escher, and the time Emily was allowed to write about a giant snail.
Happy Holidays!

During the holiday season, the Mojang headquarters will be closed as all team members head home to convince their families once again that this is a real job (“Yes, writing about digital blocks is a career, Dad, can you go back to law school?”). This means that news from the MCPE community will be less frequent over the next few weeks.

HOWEVER! They will still share some stories, including some outstanding builds from the Minecraft community. An unexpected announcement may also come on December 25th…

Emily: Here are some fun statistics to keep you entertained. You love stats, right? I heard you were really eager for this year’s statistics.

  • Number of articles published on Minecraft.net: 376!
  • Your favorite block from “Block of the Week” was: Grass!

In any case, go ahead and enjoy the festivities with family and friends!

Happy Holidays!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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