Dinosaur Fossils

08:00, 26.07.2018
Dinosaur Fossils
You can enjoy the sight of dinosaur remains while remaining uneaten!

Recently, a new dinosaur film was released, bringing these terrifying reptiles back into the spotlight and reminding everyone of their battles with Jeff Goldblum.

Dinosaur themes have inspired many builders in Minecraft Pocket Edition, leading them to create various structures. Today’s builder, Jeroen, has also joined in, crafting his own monsters just like Dr. Hammond recreated his dinosaur treasure trove.

“It all started when I replicated the first skeletal structure of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. After that, I thought it would be great to make many such constructions,” the creator notes.
Dinosaur Fossils
It’s fortunate that these are merely fossils and not a pile of meat eager to devour you at any moment!

“I didn’t have to choose which dinosaurs to build – I simply picked the most popular ones: T-Rex, Triceratops, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus, and others,” the developer shares.
Dinosaur Fossils
He also expanded his “zoo” by drawing inspiration from various dinosaur films.

“Once I got through the first batch of lizards, I decided to start creating flying and aquatic monsters. The selection of flying dinosaurs was limited since my knowledge only extended to Pterodactyls. However, after researching more, the list didn’t grow much: Dimorphodon, Nyctosaurus, Quetzalcoatlus.”


Jeroen laughs. “No, don’t try to pronounce that. I think it should sound something like ‘Ketz-al-co-at-lus’.”
Dinosaur Fossils
All these creations represent skinless dinosaurs. Therefore, Jeroen imagined how they might look if they had skin and flesh.

After watching numerous dinosaur movies, one might conclude that they were all covered in scales. But that’s not entirely accurate.

“I was quite surprised to learn that not all dinosaurs had scales.”

Dinosaur Fossils
“One could believe that Velociraptors had feathers, but believing that Tyrannosaurs did is simply impossible!”

Just try to picture a feathered Tyrannosaurus. Scary? I don’t think so. Jeroen’s favorite creation turned out to be the Mosasaurus.

“I would also choose Ceratosaurus, Indominus Rex, and Dilophosaurus. I think those are the best models I’ve built,” the creator states.

Which dinosaur skeleton proved to be the most challenging for Jeroen? Definitely the Stegosaurus. “The body itself was straightforward, but the challenge arose when constructing the armored plates. They are very tricky to handle due to their specific shape and angle of contact,” Jeroen explains.
Dinosaur Fossils
Odd angles, spikes, and horns significantly complicate every construction in Minecraft PE.

“After planning everything out, I start with the spine. Then I move on to the limbs. It’s essential to know whether you have claws or feet before building them. After that, I begin working on the skull, finishing it off by adding teeth,” the developer clarifies.
Dinosaur Fossils
All modern dinosaur films follow a similar pattern – humanity creates dinosaurs when they shouldn’t, and they go out of control, consuming everything in sight. A classic dinosaur movie scenario. However, Jeroen’s creations tell a story of evolution and bring together the lives of these creatures to explore what they left behind.

“Why did Triceratops have three horns while Achillobator had only two facing backward? Why did one species grow theirs forward while another grew theirs backward? What predators would they face with such horns?”
Dinosaur Fossils
If you’re ready to gain new insights about dinosaurs in Minecraft PE, you’ll need to wait a bit longer as the skeletons aren’t available yet.

“Once I began my project, I decided that each skeleton should have a small home in the form of a museum. So everything will be released only after I complete the project.”
Dinosaur Fossils
Dinosaur Fossils
A museum instead of an island filled with dinosaurs. I think that’s much safer!

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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