Adventure Map: DuckTales

10:00, 05.09.2019
Adventure Map: DuckTales

Are there any old-school players of Minecraft who remember the animated series “DuckTales”? I’m sure everyone has seen at least one episode. If you happen to be an extraordinary individual who has never watched DuckTales, my dear friend, you have missed out on a lot in this vast world.

I need to learn how to manage the flow of my thoughts. Come on, don’t tell me you haven’t sung along to the theme song of the show. “Ducks, quack-quack. Who is the master of the endless dark? Ducks, quack-quack…” Now that tune will stick with you, no thanks needed.

This map is incredibly expansive, allowing you to simply stroll around and explore legendary locations. However, if wandering aimlessly isn’t your thing, there are quests available for you. The map features two storylines filled with puzzles, riddles, and unexpected twists. Navigate through this challenging journey and uncover what secrets the characters and places of this world truly hold. The castle is massive and ancient, with many rooms untouched for centuries, while some are intentionally hidden from prying eyes. Try to find them all, as treasures and collectibles are likely concealed within. Speaking of which, there are 50 rare items scattered throughout Minecraft, including incredibly valuable artifacts. There’s a special room designated for their storage where you can keep them safe. Will you be able to gather all the riches that Scrooge McDuck has amassed over the decades?Adventure Map: DuckTales

Adventure Map: DuckTales 

Adventure Map: DuckTales 

Adventure Map: DuckTales 

Adventure Map: DuckTales 

Don’t be surprised if you encounter chaos on the map. In Minecraft Bedrock, just like in the world of DuckTales, the same rules apply: even the most terrifying disorder can lead to piles of cash for you.

Published by: admin-planet ОS: Android

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