Wither [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

08:39, 24.09.2016
Wither [Mobs][Minecraft PE Guides]

In this guide, I will introduce you to a new boss known as the Wither in Minecraft PE. This is the first boss that was added to MCPE.

The Wither falls under the category of Bosses (Bosses are hostile mobs characterized by unique combat strategies, high health points, attack damage, and resistance to certain effects).

Wither [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE]
The Wither is the first Boss introduced in Minecraft PE version 0.16.0. It has 300 hp (150 hearts) and possesses formidable attack power along with an additional wither effect. Players can summon it using specific blocks (details below). Upon defeat, the Wither drops a Nether Star.

Required blocks for summoning:

  • Soul Sand (4 pieces)
  • Wither Skeleton Skull (3 pieces) (more details in Wither Skeleton [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE])

One of the skulls must be placed last:
Wither [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE]

The Wither attacks players with wither skulls of two types: black and blue. When they hit a player, they inflict a wither effect, which turns the player’s health bar black. The black projectiles deal damage similar to that of ghast fireballs but cannot be deflected. The blue projectiles travel slower, fly randomly, but cause significantly more damage.
Wither [Mobs][Guides Minecraft PE]

Withers are hostile towards all living beings except for undead creatures. Regarding the Withering II effect, it’s important to note that while this effect is active on a player, the Wither regenerates its health, so think carefully about your allies. After losing half of its health, the Wither gains a barrier that grants it immunity from arrows. It is also invulnerable to poison, weakness, and slowness potions.

Finally, here are some facts:

  • The Wither does not fly when it starts falling into the void (loot will be lost).
  • If the Wither is set on fire, only the central part of its body (the area beneath the middle head) will burn, creating a flame column approximately 4 blocks high.
  • The Wither can harm itself if it attacks too close with its skull.
Have fun playing!

Published by: admin-planet

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