Minecraft PE 1.14

21:57, 09.10.2019
Minecraft PE 1.14

Almost immediately following the Minecon exhibition, the developers released a new version of Minecraft 1.14.0, which is available for download on Android! This marks the first release in the Honey Update series. The Russian file is already accessible in beta form, featuring bees and new blocks in a test version, along with fixes for previous beta issues and significant adjustments.

Bees in Minecraft 1.14 on Android

Скачать Minecraft 1.14 для Android (Полная версия) | Майнкрафт 1.14.0 (Медовое обновление)

Buzzy Bees is an unofficial title, yet it perfectly encapsulates the essence of the update. The developers promptly informed players about a bug related to armor visibility, assuring that it would be addressed in the next patch. Now, let’s move on to the positive news.

This beta was released on December 10, 2019, marking the beginning of a series of upcoming transformations. The final version of the series is Minecraft 1.14.60, which you can also download for free on Planet. The virus-free file has been uploaded and is waiting for you here, while the complete version is available here.

Bees in Minecraft are peaceful creatures, but it’s best not to provoke them, as you’ll discover if you download version 1.14.0. They may appear harmless, yet they fiercely defend their hive. Killing these mobs yields no rewards; they sting their attacker and perish without dropping any loot.

Other characteristics:

  • They are attracted to flowers
  • Spawn in flower forests and plains
  • Collect pollen and honey, pollinate saplings, and increase crop yields
  • After pollination, they return to their nest
  • When it rains, they head back to the hive to sleep, as they do at sunset
  • Can be bred using flowers
  • If a bee lacks a hive or nest, it will fly around until it finds a home

Скачать Minecraft 1.14 для Android (Полная версия) | Майнкрафт 1.14.0 (Медовое обновление)

Улья и гнезды для пчел 

  • Insects naturally nest in biomes that feature flowering plants.
  • The honey level in hives increases (up to a maximum of 5) when the inhabitants bring in pollen.
  • To craft, you need to use honeycomb blocks and wooden planks, and don’t forget to download Minecraft 1.14.0 for free on your phone beforehand.
  • Honeycombs are harvested with shears, while honey is collected using bottles (the process is made easier with smoke from a campfire).

Additionally, decorative blocks (Honeycomb) have been introduced. They are crafted from honeycombs and are used for decoration, lacking any special functions.

Honey Blocks in Minecraft 1.14

They are not only visually appealing but also beneficial. Features of the new items in MCPE:

  • Slow down movement and reduce jump height
  • Do not decrease fall damage
  • Enable wall sliding
  • Feature distinctive textures
  • When pushed by a piston, adjacent items also move due to their stickiness

Скачать Minecraft 1.14 для Android (Полная версия) | Майнкрафт 1.14.0 (Медовое обновление)

Фиксы багов и другие исправления

  • Chunks are no longer lagging due to the increase in kelp
  • Glass breaking animation has been normalized on certain packages
  • Capes are now displayed correctly in the skin selection window
  • Achievement conditions have been adjusted in the game
  • The solid white cape on specific skins has been removed
  • World loading issues have been fixed
  • Error messages regarding script failures no longer appear in the Alien Worlds Marketplace package
  • Sounds in Minecraft 1.14.0 have been fine-tuned; we recommend downloading the update on Android to experience the changes firsthand
  • The bug causing automatic crossbow firing has been eliminated
  • The ice walker now correctly freezes water
  • Arrows and tridents do not fall to the ground after hitting a shield
  • Adjusted the attack radius of Foxes to match Java
  • If a fox is holding an item, it remains visible
  • Fixed pathfinding for flying mobs

The full version of Minecraft 1.14 for Android is impressive and engaging, pioneering new mechanics, so you can download it for your phone. Our website features a timeline of updates; find what you need and download it for free. Good luck!

Complete Versions of Minecraft 1.14



Minecraft 1.14.20

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.14, Bedrock Edition ОS: Android

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