Minecraft: Java Edition 1.21.4 – The Garden Awakens

18:39, 06.12.2024
Minecraft: Java Edition 1.21.4 - The Garden Awakens

Quiet, everyone! I’m typing this changelog while hiding behind a Pale Oak tree—need to stay silent since the Garden Awakens update has finally dropped, and Creakings are emerging in Pale Gardens throughout the Overworld! This update introduces a spooky new biome—the Pale Garden—draped in moss, full of Pale Oak trees, and featuring a unique flower called the Eyeblossom. You’ll also encounter a watchful hostile mob called the Creaking, and discover the secret of defeating (and even summoning) it—the Creaking Heart! Take on the Creaking, and you’ll receive Resin Clumps—a new crafting material for Resin Bricks or even armor trimming. Did I mention anything else? Oh yes, we’ve also squashed some bugs! Now, let’s see if I can back out of here before a Creaking notices me…

New Features

  • Added Pale Garden biome, Pale Oak tree, Pale Moss block, Pale Moss carpet, Pale Hanging Moss, and Pale Oak woodset.
  • Added the Creaking mob, Creaking Spawn Egg, and Creaking Heart block.
  • Introduced the Resin block family.
  • Added Eyeblossoms, a new type of flower.

Pale Garden

The Pale Garden is a variant of the Dark Forest biome. It features:

  • Pale Oak trees.
  • Creaking Heart blocks inside Pale Oaks, causing Creakings to spawn at night.
  • Eyeblossoms growing naturally on the ground.
  • Pale Moss blocks and Pale Moss carpet covering the ground.
  • Hanging Pale Moss growing under Pale Oak foliage.
  • No naturally occurring animal mobs.
  • New biome-specific ambient sounds, with no accompanying music. Existing music fades out when entering.
  • Using the seed 3515201313347228787 spawns the player near a Pale Garden.

Pale Oak Tree

Pale Oak trees are a new variant similar to Dark Oak trees, featuring:

  • Pale Oak Leaves that drop Pale Oak Saplings, which can grow into trees when planted in a 2×2 formation.
  • Naturally generated Pale Oaks with Hanging Moss and Pale Moss patches around them, and sometimes Creaking Hearts inside.
  • Pale Oak Logs craftable into the Pale Oak woodset, including doors, fences, planks, slabs, stairs, and more.
  • Wandering Traders offering Pale Oak Saplings.

Pale Moss

Pale Moss Blocks act similarly to existing Moss Blocks, with a Carpet variant available:

  • Pale Moss Blocks generate naturally in the Pale Garden biome.
  • Wandering Traders may sell Pale Moss Blocks.
  • Pale Moss Carpet can be crafted from two Pale Moss Blocks and grows up to two blocks along solid faces when placed.
  • Pale Moss Carpet can also grow when treated with Bone Meal.

Pale Hanging Moss

Pale Hanging Moss behaves like a vine:

  • It naturally generates under Pale Oak foliage.
  • It does not grow randomly but can be grown using Bone Meal.
  • Requires shears or Silk Touch tools for harvesting.
  • Wandering Traders may sell Pale Hanging Moss.


Eyeblossoms are unique flowers in the Pale Garden biome with two variants: Closed and Open:

  • Eyeblossoms transition between Closed and Open depending on the time of day.
  • During the night, Eyeblossoms will open, revealing glowing eyes, while during the day, they remain closed.
  • In dimensions without a day/night cycle, they retain their current state.
  • When transitioning, Eyeblossoms emit a particle effect and sound.
  • Bees get poisoned by Open Eyeblossoms but are not affected by Closed Eyeblossoms.
  • Suspicious Stew made with Open Eyeblossoms induces Blindness, while Closed Eyeblossoms cause Nausea.
  • Wandering Traders may sell Open Eyeblossoms.

Creaking Mob

The Creaking is a new hostile mob that spawns at night when a Creaking Heart block is positioned between two Pale Oak logs:

  • It activates if a player in survival or adventure mode comes within 12 blocks and makes eye contact.
  • While activated, a Creaking stays immobile and gains full knockback resistance.
  • Deals 1.5 hearts (3 points) of melee damage.
  • When hit, shows a particle link between itself and its Creaking Heart block.
  • Illagers are scared of Creakings and flee from them.

Creaking Heart

A Creaking Heart is a unique “living” block that generates in Pale Oak trees:

  • Spawns Creaking mobs during the night when placed between two Pale Oak logs.
  • Sends a particle trail when the Creaking is hit.
  • Can be obtained using a Silk Touch tool.
  • Breaking a Creaking Heart without Silk Touch yields 1-3 Resin Clumps or more with a Fortune tool.


Resin is a new material with multiple applications:

  • Attacking a Creaking can yield Resin Clumps.
  • Resin Clumps can be used to craft Resin Bricks, armor trims, or even Resin Brick building components such as stairs and slabs.
  • Resin Clump blocks are placeable on any full face of a neighboring block and can be waterlogged.

New Ambient Sounds for Pale Garden

In the Pale Garden biome, ambient sounds come from individual blocks rather than the biome itself:

  • Pale Hanging Moss emits subtle atmospheric sounds when attached to Pale Oak Logs or Leaves.
  • Creaking Hearts produce eerie noises at night when active.
  • Open Eyeblossoms emit a gentle whispering sound at night.


  • Swords are no longer efficient for mining Moss Carpet; Hoes remain the proper tool.
  • Bees now wither upon player interaction with Wither Roses.
  • Adjusted Suspicious Stew effect durations to match Bedrock Edition.

Required Tools for Drops

Now, blocks that drop when their support breaks will also drop when mined with any tool.

Other Changes and Bug Fixes

  • Baby Cats and Wolves receive a collar color that’s a mix of their parents’ collars.
  • Fixed around 237 bugs; see the full list on the issue tracker.

Get the Update

To install the latest release, open Minecraft Launcher and select “Latest Release” to play.

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.21, Bedrock Edition, Beta ОS: Android / iOS

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