Minecraft Beta

15:58, 26.11.2024
Minecraft Beta

Minecraft Beta & Preview –

Information about Minecraft Preview and Beta:

  • These versions are still in development, which means they can be unstable and may not represent the final quality of the official release.
  • Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, PlayStation, Windows, and iOS. More details can be found at aka.ms/PreviewFAQ.
  • The Beta version is available on Android (Google Play). To join or leave the beta program, please see the instructions at aka.ms/JoinMCBeta.

It’s time for another round of Preview and Beta updates! This week, we’re enhancing the atmosphere in the Pale Garden biome. Eyeblossoms now release orange particles when they bloom, and Pale Oak trees will shed their leaves, adding to the mysterious ambience of this eerie new biome. As always, we would love to hear your feedback about these new features on feedback.mojang.net, and if you encounter any bugs, please report them on bugs.mojang.com. Here’s what’s new this week:

New Features and Bug Fixes


  • Music volume will now gradually decrease to zero upon entering a Pale Garden and resume gradually upon leaving.

Pale Garden

  • Added the Pale Oak Sapling, Eyeblossoms, Pale Moss Block, and Hanging Pale Moss to the Wandering Trader’s inventory (MCPE-187456).


  • The flammability of Pale Moss, Pale Moss Carpet, and Hanging Pale Moss has been adjusted. They now catch fire more slowly but burn faster once ignited.
  • These blocks can now be set on fire with Lava.
  • The attenuation drop-off rate for Hanging Pale Moss and Creaking Heart ambient sounds is now linear, allowing the sounds to be heard from greater distances (MCPE-187326).
  • Eyeblossoms now make sound when opening and closing.
  • Open Eyeblossoms now emit ambient sounds when placed on a Pale Moss Block.
  • Hanging Pale Moss now matches the model seen in the Java Edition (MCPE-187397).
  • Eyeblossoms in the world or in Flower Pots now emit particles when opening or closing.
  • Pale Oak Leaves now emit falling leaf particles.

Creaking Heart

  • The distance over which the Creaking Heart can spread Resin Clumps has been reduced by one block.
  • Resin Clumps can now only spread to Pale Oak Log, Stripped Pale Oak Log, Pale Oak Wood, and Stripped Pale Oak Wood.

Resin Bricks

  • Recipes for Resin Brick Slabs, Stairs, and Walls now provide the same number of blocks as those for Nether Bricks (MCPE-187707, MCPE-187795, MCPE-187796).
  • Developer’s Note: Counting can be tricky sometimes.

Resin Clump

  • Mobs can now correctly pathfind over Resin Clumps (MCPE-187778).


  • Translated rawtexts containing extra percentage signs now expand correctly for numbered forms (“%%%%1”), compared to non-numbered ones (“%%%%s”). (MCPE-171001)
  • The Effect command now properly displays duration in seconds in the notification message after applying an effect (MCPE-186963).


  • Standardized which blocks trees can replace while growing, with a few exceptions (MCPE-187302, MCPE-187301).
  • All trees can now grow through leaves, except for Cherry trees, which cannot grow through their own leaves (MCPE-168029).
  • All trees can grow on dirt-like blocks (MCPE-187739).
  • Tall Grass now properly generates with its upper part in the Pale Garden biome (MCPE-187308).
  • Tall Grass now properly generates with its upper part in the Lush Caves biome (MCPE-125799).


  • Holding the jump button while falling onto a Slime Block no longer cancels the bounce (MCPE-185354).
  • Sneaking while landing on a Slime Block now prevents fall damage.
  • Developer’s Note: The intended method for stopping a bounce on a Slime Block is now to sneak. Previously, players could hold the jump button to stop bouncing, but that was an unintended oversight.

This behavior led to other bugs, such as when hitting a mob with a mace enchanted with Wind Charge while holding the jump button, causing movement cancellation.

  • The new player jump behavior now always selects the greater value between existing vertical velocity and jump velocity.

These updates and many more make Minecraft Beta & Preview – a more immersive and thrilling experience, packed with new gameplay elements and improvements. We encourage you to explore these new features and share your thoughts, helping us make Minecraft even better!

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.21, Beta ОS: Android

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