Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.2.13 (Full version)

02:37, 21.03.2018
Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.2.13 (Full version)

In the bug fix update for version 1.2.13 on Android, issues related to video, audio, gameplay, crafting, mobs, and redstone have been addressed. Additionally, several modifications have been made to Minecraft 1.2.13. With each new release of Minecraft 1.2 on Android, the list of fixes continues to grow.
Developers advise creating a backup of your worlds before joining the beta version, as MCPE 1.2.13 may exhibit instability.

Что нового в Майнкрафт Бета Билд 3

The Minecraft Bedrock version for Android has introduced experimental gameplay. Several useful features from the Update Aquatic have been incorporated into the beta version via Experimental Gameplay. These features are not complete and may not make it into the final release, but feedback is highly encouraged! Additionally, this is not the entirety of the Update Aquatic features that will be available in the new Minecraft.
To enable experimental gameplay, navigate to the settings in MSP “World Settings” – “Use Experimental Gameplay.” This may disrupt your world, so a copy of your world will be created. This feature cannot be disabled once it is activated for a world, and any progress will not be saved in the original Minecraft world.
New additions in the gameplay include:

  • Drowned mobs have been added
  • A new swimming animation has been introduced
  • The Trident and new enchantments (Channeling, Loyalty, Riptide, Impaling) have been added
  • Separate wood types have been introduced
  • Slabs and stairs for Prismarine, Prismarine Brick, and Dark Prismarine have been added

As always, there are also bug fixes in Minecraft Beta Build 3.

Исправления и фисы Minecraft на андроид

  1. Iron golems no longer spawn when Mob Spawning is disabled.
  2. Rain, smoke particles, and shadows are no longer visible through lava in MCPE.
  3. Disabling “Visible to LAN Players” for one world no longer affects all worlds.
  4. Buttons cloned in the “pressed” state no longer remain permanently pressed in version
  5. A warning now appears advising against closing the game while exporting a world.
  6. Redstone Comparator output is no longer lost after converting a world from Xbox One Edition.
  7. Invisible vines no longer appear on jungle trees.
  8. It is now possible to write multiple lines on signs again.
  9. Tripwire Hooks are back in jungles.
  10. Tools now function correctly and no longer shake in the player’s hand.
  11. Sticky Pistons no longer turn into regular pistons after being renamed.
  12. The incorrect mushroom block obtained from giant red mushrooms using Pick Block has been fixed.

The game Minecraft PE on Android has become more stable and runs almost without crashes!

Исправления в Майнкрафт на андроид

  • Resolved the crash issue in Minecraft during extended gameplay
  • Fixed the crash that occurred when rotating the screen
  • Addressed the game crash in survival mode in MSPC

Нововведения в Minecraft PE 1.2.13 на андроид

Minecraft PE 1.2.13 (Полная версия)

  • Friendly fire (PvP) can now be toggled from World Options in Minecraft 1.2
  • Adjusted the acceleration when using a controller
  • Menu transitions have been added in the Settings
  • A search feature has been introduced in the Marketplace, making it easier to find specific content in Minecraft 1.2.13
  • We can now have nearly unlimited types of blocks in MCPE, which will also reduce the chances of the game crashing due to memory shortages.

Исправление вылетов в МСПЕ 1.2.13 на Андроид

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when converting worlds from Xbox One Edition.
  • Resolved a crash in Minecraft on Android devices due to playback issues.
  • Addressed a bug that caused a crash when firing projectiles.
  • Corrected a crash related to Redstone Torches.
  • Fixed a crash in Minecraft on Android when navigating the store on low and mid-range devices.
  • Resolved a crash that happened when exiting The End.
  • Block generation is now prioritized for chunks that are closest to the player in Minecraft 1.2.13.

Основные исправления багов в Майнкрафт 1.2.13 на Андроид

  • The achievement “Beam Me Up” can be unlocked again
  • The starting map and bonus chest can no longer be switched for template worlds
  • The second player in split-screen mode can no longer die when creative mode is selected in Minecraft 1.2.13
  • Increased growth rate for crops and grass spread
  • Players no longer float above beds while sleeping in Minecraft
  • Minecarts no longer collide with adjacent minecarts on separate tracks
  • When elevated, directional blocks now always face upwards, regardless of the player’s coordinates
  • Maps can now be held in both hands
  • Trees no longer cut through blocks
  • In version 1.2.13, players can now gain experience from cooking pork chops in a furnace
  • Diamonds now appear in chests found in Fortresses and Temples
  • Players will no longer catch fire when walking near lava blocks
  • Grass blocks will now turn into dirt if grass blocks are placed above them
  • In Minecraft 1.2 on Android, players can no longer attack through walls
  • The number of hits required for Soul Sand blocks has been increased
  • Fixed items in villages are no longer restocked
  • Players can no longer attack others with bows when Friendly Fire is turned off
  • Glass panes are now aligned with stair blocks
  • It is now possible to sleep when a skeleton horse is nearby in Minecraft 1.2.13 on Android

Фиксы в редстоун в Minecraft 1.2.13 на Андроид

Several bugs have been fixed in Redstone mode:

  1. The functionality of pistons in MSE has been corrected.
  2. Sticky Pistons and Slime Blocks have been addressed.
  3. Shulker Boxes will no longer be issued when they shouldn’t be.
  4. Burnt Redstone torches will not activate until they receive a block update or are replaced.
  5. Proper management of adjacent blocks is now in effect.
  6. Rails will now consider block power when connecting to other rails in Minecraft 1.2.13 on Android.
  7. Minecarts will no longer get stuck when passing through blocks diagonally.
  8. Armor can now be equipped on armor stands using dispensers.

Фиксы мобов Minecraft 1.2.13 на Android

  • The explosion range of Creepers has been reduced.
  • Zombie and skeletons now catch fire during the day in warm biomes, while it rains in other biomes.
  • Fixed the issue with witches not spawning.
  • The spawn rate of Ocelots has been increased.
  • Spiders are no longer as quick to retreat when attacking.
  • Parrots have been fixed.
  • Parrots will no longer leave players’ shoulders when boarding a boat in MCPE 1.2.13.
  • Llamas can now be healed by feeding them hay bales and wheat.
  • Zombie villagers now emit red particles when being cured.
  • Some villager trades that did not provide experience have been corrected.
  • Mobs can no longer spawn on carpets.
  • Light will now prevent Endermen from spawning in The End.
  • Iron Golems will no longer become hostile towards the player who spawned them.

Исправления крафта, графики и команд в Minecraft 1.2.13 для Android

The scoop, water bucket, lava bucket, and milk have been relocated to the “Items” inventory tab.
Graphics and Audio in 1.2.13:

  • Fishing rods are now displayed correctly in version 1.2
  • The sound effect that was not playing when equipping armor from the hotbar has been fixed
  • Correct sound effects will now play when using Ender chests, brewing stands, armor stands, and furnaces
  • Resource packs will now affect the appearance of the gamepad cursor
  • Rain is now visible through glass in Minecraft
  • Shulker boxes no longer flicker when placed
  • Jungle leaves now have transparency when held in hand
  • Smooth lighting will now change immediately after toggling in settings
  • Flickering no longer occurs when viewing leaves adjacent to snow
  • Sugar cane now has the correct biome coloring
  • The missing sound when moving through End Gateways has been fixed
  • The jumping animation for spiders has been corrected

The user interface in Minecraft 1.2.13 on Android has been significantly improved. Additionally, several bugs related to commands have been resolved.

Скачать Minecraft 1.2.13 для Android

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Published by: admin-planet Categories: Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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