Minecraft 1.18.0 (Full version)

12:50, 13.07.2021
Minecraft 1.18.0 (Full version)

On November 30, 2021, a significant day arrived when every fan of the cubic universe had the opportunity to download Minecraft PE 1.18.0. That morning, as players picked up their phones, they were greeted with the long-anticipated notification about the release of Caves and Cliffs, Part 2. What makes this update so noteworthy?

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Что нового в Minecraft 1.18.0

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The developers have significantly enhanced the game world by increasing the vertical space by 50%. This means even more room for exploration and construction!

  • Various types of caves
  • Biomes – cave and mountain
  • Improved world and ore generation
  • Updated music packs
  • Fixes for 70 bugs
  • New mobs and items

Now, let’s go through everything in detail while you download the full version of Minecraft 1.18.0 for free using the link below the article.

Regions and Mountains

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  • New underground locations will emerge – biomes, canyons, bodies of water, and aquifers
  • Instead of water, lava will fill the space at negative elevations
  • Stunningly beautiful areas – Lush caves featuring azaleas, spore blossoms, tough leaves, and glow berries
  • Several types of other formations – Spaghetti, Cheese, Rifts, Karst, and Noisy caves
  • Old locations blend well with the new; the creators of Minecraft ensured compatibility, so keep your favorite maps
  • Mountain updates – Groves, Meadows, Snowy slopes, Jagged peaks, and Rocky summits
  • Depending on the altitude, animals such as donkeys, goats, rabbits, wolves, foxes, pigs, chickens, and cows will spawn
  • All cliffs will become taller and more refined, making it easier to climb
  • The Dark Depths are home to the Guardians, new blind mobs capable of sensing vibrations and sounds.
  • Mineral formations such as stalactites, stalagmites, and stalagnates can be found in the Karst regions.
  • Water or lava can be collected from them in the Minecraft Bedrock Edition.
  • They deal damage to players upon falling.

Items and Mobs in Minecraft 1.18.0

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The primary innovation is the sculk blocks. There are several types, and developers plan to significantly enhance their functionality in the future. They will function similarly to redstone, capable of detecting and transmitting signals.

  • Utilized for wireless circuits
  • Generated in the Deep Dark
  • Integral to the gameplay of the Warden
  • Three types – shrieker (alarm), sculk, and catalyst, along with sculk veins

Additionally, the release introduced the Goat Horn. It can be obtained when a Goat collides with any solid block at a Pillager Outpost. It is used to send signals, has its own sound, and features a cooldown period.

Скачать Майнкрафт 1.18.0 на Андроид (Полная версия) | MCBE Caves & Cliffs Update part 2

Полная версия Майнкрафт 1.18.0

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.18, Bedrock Edition, Release ОS: Android

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