Minecraft (Beta Version)

15:15, 26.11.2024
Minecraft (Beta Version)

Minecraft Beta & Preview – Free Download

About Minecraft Preview and Beta:

  • These versions are still in development, may be unstable, and do not reflect the final quality of the release version.
  • Minecraft Preview is available on Xbox, PlayStation, Windows, and iOS. For more information, visit aka.ms/PreviewFAQ.
  • The beta version is available for Android (via Google Play). To join or leave the beta program, check out aka.ms/JoinMCBeta for detailed instructions.

It’s time for a new Preview and Beta release! As always, we look forward to hearing your thoughts about the latest game features at aka.ms/mcgamedropfeedback. You can also report any bugs at bugs.mojang.com. Here’s what’s new this week:

Features and Bug Fixes


  • Narration has been added to the Realms plan picker screen, informing players they can navigate below the “buy” button for more information on the plans.


  • The collision detection between moving blocks and mobs has been slightly improved in specific scenarios.
  • Sculk Sensors can now detect Resin Clumps placed by the Creaking Heart (MCPE-188260).
  • Fixed inconsistencies in how various plant blocks were rendered compared to Java (MCPE-40646).
  • Mangrove Leaves no longer show black pixels when players have the “Fancy Leaves” option disabled (MCPE-156469).
  • Torchflowers, Pitcher Plants, and other flowers now increase the likelihood of nearby saplings growing into trees with beehives.


  • The ability to pause the game in single-player worlds has been added. You can enable or disable this feature under “General” settings.


  • The spawn point selection algorithm has been enhanced to prefer more favorable biomes, even if they are further from the world’s center (MCPE-120237).
  • A new “Filter Profanity” setting has been introduced for Windows users. When enabled, all textual content, including chat, will have profanity filtered out.


  • Creakings now disintegrate if their Creaking Heart is forcibly deactivated using commands.
  • Creakings will now be persistent across save/load cycles, similar to other hostile mobs (MCPE-188352).
  • The sound effects when Creakings are agitated have been removed; they only emit ambient sounds when idle.


  • When breeding sheep with compatible wool colors, the baby sheep now inherits a mixed color (MCPE-19862).
  • Breeding wolves now results in puppies with collar colors from either parent or a blend if the colors are compatible.
  • Breeding cats with compatible collar colors results in kittens with collars that are a mix of both parent collars (MCPE-188187).


  • Player profile pictures in Realms Stories will now load more consistently.
  • Fixed an issue where users occasionally couldn’t rejoin a Realm using an invite code.
  • Removed redundant calls to the Realms API.

User Interface

  • Disabling Realms Stories badge notifications via the Stories Settings screen now hides badges both in the Story Feed and on the Play Screen.
  • The empty center space of the D-pad will no longer function as the forward button during flight or swimming (MCPE-183944).

Technical Updates


  • Updated numerical JavaScript enums, which now properly support reverse value mappings and handle them appropriately.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Player.hideAllExcept call to crash the server in certain conditions.

Graphical Changes

  • Improved handling of very large textures within texture atlases. Textures that exceed the atlas limit will now have individual mip levels removed, rather than the entire atlas dropping all mip levels.


  • Support for replacing input glyphs for the /me and /tell commands has been added. For example, using “:_input_key.jump:” will be replaced with “JUMP” if using a keyboard or an emoji if using a gamepad.


  • Smoother transitions between two moving cameras have been added when using the “Creator Camera: New Third Person Presets” experiment.

Entity Components

  • The “minecraft:breedable” component now has a field that allows offspring to inherit a “minecraft:color” attribute, which is a blend of the parents’ colors.

Graphical Enhancements

  • Fixed an issue where some PowerVR-based Android devices would show a black screen when using the Deferred Technical Preview.

User Interface

  • A new radio button has been added, allowing players to choose whether to optimize Deferred Video Settings for performance or visual quality.

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.21, Beta ОS: Android

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