Minecraft (Test version)

22:32, 22.04.2020
Minecraft (Test version)

A new test version of Minecraft has been released for Android, addressing the marketplace functionality along with several other bugs (specifically 8). The exact release date for Minecraft 1.16.0 remains unclear, but in the meantime, you can download the latest update and check for any issues. Don’t forget to back up your worlds!

Fixes in Minecraft

  • The game will no longer crash when checking for Marketplace content updates.
  • On Android devices, the game will stop crashing when accessing the marketplace.
  • Potions in cauldrons can now be removed.
  • The fishing rod can now be reused by holding the interaction button.
  • Now, double-tapping items on touchscreen devices correctly groups them as intended.
  • The craft all feature with the controller is functioning properly again.
  • Inventory search has been fixed.
  • pre_effect_script no longer triggers when an entity disappears using minecraft: despawn.

Download Minecraft for Android

Download Minecraft for Android

Published by: admin-planet Categories: 1.16, Bedrock Edition, Тест ОS: Android

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  • В этой версии есть ошибки. 1) неправильные крафты связанные с древесиной.2) золото в печке не плавится от слова совсем.Пока я заметил только эти ошибки. Разработчики исправьте эти ошибки пожалуйста.